Commentaries on Hebrews
A list of the best commentaries on Hebrews ranked by scholars, journal reviws, and site users. You can find the best commentary on Hebrews for you using the tools on the right side.
Top 3
Hebrews. 2 Vols. WBC. Thomas Nelson, 1991.

The Gospel Coalition
Tabb writes, “Though published over three decades ago, Lane’s commentary remains a go-to resource for serious students of Hebrews. more

Tim Challies
Until quite recently, Lane’s commentary was considered the best of the commentaries written to be accessible to those with little knowledge of Greek. more

The Epistle to the Hebrews. NIGTC. Eerdmans, 1993.

The Gospel Coalition
A massive, technical commentary that’s invaluable for those doing in-depth study on the Greek text. more

Tim Challies
Ellingworth’s commentary is widely considered among the strongest commentaries on Hebrews—perhaps even the strongest for scholars and well-trained pastors. more
Hebrews. NIVAC. Zondervan, 1998.

The Gospel Coalition
Guthrie expounds the text and offers areas for thoughtful application for everyday Christians. more

Robert N Houston
Taking a break from my studies in the Old Testament, I returned to Hebrews (my personal favorite NT book. more

New and Notable
The Letter to the Hebrews. PNTC. Eerdmans, 2023.

The Gospel Coalition
Grindheim’s newer commentary spans more than 800 pages and offers careful exegesis with theological depth. more
All Commentaries on Hebrews
Forthcoming Commentaries
Year | Author | Title | Series |
forthcoming 2023 | Harris, Dana M. | Hebrews | Bible in God's World Commentary |
forthcoming 2022 | Joslin, Barry | Hebrews | Focus on the Bible |
forthcoming | Alexander, Loveday; Alexander, Philip S. | Hebrews | International Critical Commentary |
forthcoming | Allen, David L. | Hebrews | Christian Standard Commentary |
forthcoming | deSilva, David A. | Hebrews | Word Biblical Commentary |
forthcoming | Fanning, Buist M. | Hebrews | Evangelical Exegetical Commentary |
forthcoming | Gheorghiță, Radu | Hebrews | Story of God Bible Commentary |
forthcoming | Hahn, Scott; Healy, Mary | Hebrews | |
forthcoming | Jewett, Robert | Hebrews | New Cambridge Bible Commentary |
forthcoming | John of Damascus; Theodore of Mopsuestia | Commentaries on the Pauline Epistles | Ancient Christian Texts |
forthcoming | Lyons, John | Hebrews Through the Centuries | Blackwell Bible Commentaries |
forthcoming | Nelson, R. David | Hebrews | Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible |
forthcoming | Pierce, Madison N. | Hebrews | Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament |
forthcoming | Urga, Abeneazer | Hebrews | Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament |
forthcoming | Westfall, Cynthia Long | Hebrews | New Covenant Commentary Series |
forthcoming | Westfall, Cynthia Long; Yoon, David I. | Hebrews: A Handbook on the Greek Text | Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament |