Book Series
There are 188 Bible commentary series and and 96 other biblical studies series in the database. The tags shown below come from all the books in the series, but every book may not have all the same tags (e.g., not all Yale commentaries are Jewish or Roman Catholic).
Bible Commentary Series
21st Century Biblical Commentary Series (21CBC)
18 books,
0 forthcoming
A Messianic Commentary (aMC)
8 books,
0 forthcoming
Abingdon New Testament Commentaries (ANTC)
20 books,
0 forthcoming
Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries (AOTC)
19 books,
2 forthcoming
An Exegetical Commentary (aEC)
4 books,
0 forthcoming
An Expositional Commentary (aExpC)
3 books,
0 forthcoming
Anchor Yale Bible (AYB)
125 books,
9 forthcoming
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (ACCS)
29 books,
0 forthcoming
Ancient Christian Texts (ACT)
21 books,
5 forthcoming
Apollos Old Testament Commentary (ApOTC)
19 books,
10 forthcoming
Ariel's Bible Commentary Series (ABCS)
9 books,
0 forthcoming
ArtScroll (ART)
21 books,
0 forthcoming
Asia Bible Commentary (ABC)
37 books,
1 forthcoming
Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament (ACNT)
15 books,
0 forthcoming
Baker Commentary on the Old Testament (BCOT)
13 books,
13 forthcoming
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (BECNT)
23 books,
3 forthcoming
Baylor Handbook on the Apostolic Fathers (BHAF)
0 books,
2 forthcoming
Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament (BHGNT)
25 books,
1 forthcoming
Baylor Handbook on the Hebrew Bible (BHHB)
13 books,
0 forthcoming
Baylor Handbook on the Septuagint (BHLXX)
5 books,
1 forthcoming
Beacon Bible Commentary (Beacon)
64 books,
0 forthcoming
Belief: Theological Commentary on the Bible (Belief)
29 books,
36 forthcoming
Believers Church Bible Commentary (BCBC)
44 books,
5 forthcoming
Berit Olam: Studies in Hebrew Narrative and Poetry (BO)
18 books,
6 forthcoming
Bible in God's World Commentary (BGWC)
1 books,
47 forthcoming
Bible Speaks Today (BST)
96 books,
1 forthcoming
Bible Student's Commentary (BSsC)
10 books,
0 forthcoming
Bible Study Commentary (BSC)
32 books,
0 forthcoming
Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation Commentary (BTCPC)
3 books,
0 forthcoming
Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament (BKAT)
6 books,
0 forthcoming
Big Greek Idea Series (BGI)
4 books,
0 forthcoming
Black's New Testament Commentary (BNTC)
21 books,
1 forthcoming
Blackwell Bible Commentaries (BBC)
25 books,
13 forthcoming
Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible (BTCB)
38 books,
12 forthcoming
Brill Exegetical Commentary Series (BECS)
2 books,
5 forthcoming
Brill Septuagint Commentary Series (BSCS)
18 books,
9 forthcoming
Cambridge Bible Commentaries on the New Testament (CBCNT)
15 books,
0 forthcoming
Cambridge Bible Commentaries on the Old Testament (CBCOT)
37 books,
0 forthcoming
Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scriptures (CCSS)
24 books,
0 forthcoming
Chalice Commentaries for Today (CCT)
7 books,
0 forthcoming
Christ-Centered Exposition (CCE)
46 books,
4 forthcoming
Christian Standard Commentary (CSC)
10 books,
12 forthcoming
College Press NIV Commentary (CPNIV)
41 books,
0 forthcoming
Commentaries for Christian Formation (CCF)
3 books,
7 forthcoming
Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature (CEJL)
9 books,
0 forthcoming
Commentary on the Old Testament (COT)
10 books,
0 forthcoming
Concordia Commentary (ConC)
48 books,
1 forthcoming
Contextual Critical Commentary (CCC)
0 books,
6 forthcoming
Continental Commentary (CC)
23 books,
0 forthcoming
Cornerstone Biblical Commentary (CBC)
70 books,
0 forthcoming
Corpus Christianorum in Translation (CCT)
3 books,
0 forthcoming
Critical Commentaries (Sheffield Phoenix) (CCSP)
4 books,
0 forthcoming
Crossway Classic Commentaries (CCC)
27 books,
0 forthcoming
Dalit Bible Commentary (DBC)
72 books,
0 forthcoming
Earth Bible Commentary (EarthBC)
9 books,
0 forthcoming
Eerdmans Classic Biblical Commentaries (ECBC)
15 books,
0 forthcoming
Eerdmans Critical Commentary (ECC)
17 books,
0 forthcoming
Epworth Commentary Series (ECS)
30 books,
0 forthcoming
ESV Expository Commentary (ESVEC)
69 books,
0 forthcoming
Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary (EBTC)
11 books,
3 forthcoming
Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (EEC)
23 books,
33 forthcoming
Evangelical Press Study Commentary (EPSC)
31 books,
0 forthcoming
Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)
49 books,
0 forthcoming
Expositor's Bible Commentary (EBC)
65 books,
0 forthcoming
Feminist Companion to the Bible (FCB)
26 books,
0 forthcoming
Focus on the Bible (FB)
58 books,
1 forthcoming
Forms of the Old Testament Literature (FOTL)
19 books,
3 forthcoming
Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries (FBP)
4 books,
0 forthcoming
Founders Study Guide Commentary (FSGC)
6 books,
0 forthcoming
Free Bible Commentary (FBC)
43 books,
0 forthcoming
Geneva (GEN)
34 books,
0 forthcoming
God's Word For You (GWFY)
34 books,
0 forthcoming
Hendriksen & Kistemaker (HK)
12 books,
0 forthcoming
Hermeneia (Herm)
69 books,
54 forthcoming
High Definition Commentary (HDC)
6 books,
0 forthcoming
Hippo / Africa Bible Commentary Series (H/ABCS)
4 books,
0 forthcoming
Historical Commentary on the Old Testament (HCOT)
32 books,
23 forthcoming
Hodder Bible Commentary (HBC)
11 books,
3 forthcoming
Holman New Testament Commentary (HNTC)
12 books,
0 forthcoming
Holman Old Testament Commentary (HOTC)
36 books,
0 forthcoming
Ignatius Catholic Study Bible (ICSB)
22 books,
0 forthcoming
Illuminations Commentary Series (ICS)
3 books,
37 forthcoming
India Commentary on the New Testament (ICNT)
3 books,
0 forthcoming
International Critical Commentary (ICC)
84 books,
16 forthcoming
International Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament (IECOT)
15 books,
32 forthcoming
International Theological Commentary (Eerdmans) (ITCe)
32 books,
0 forthcoming
International Theological Commentary (T&T Clark) (ITC)
8 books,
11 forthcoming
Interpretation (Int)
44 books,
0 forthcoming
Interpretation Bible Commentary (IBC)
1 books,
3 forthcoming
Ironside Expository Commentaries (IronBC)
19 books,
0 forthcoming
IVP New Testament Commentary (IVPNTC)
20 books,
0 forthcoming
James Montgomery Boice Commentary Series (JMB)
31 books,
0 forthcoming
John Phillips Commentary Series (JPCS)
29 books,
0 forthcoming
JPS Bible Commentary (JPSBC)
14 books,
5 forthcoming
Kerux Commentaries (KC)
19 books,
5 forthcoming
Kregel Exegetical Library (KEL)
11 books,
3 forthcoming
Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scripture (LCHS)
17 books,
0 forthcoming
Layman's Bible Commentary (LBC)
65 books,
0 forthcoming
Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament (LCEC)
8 books,
13 forthcoming
Lenski's Commentary on the New Testament (LCNT)
20 books,
0 forthcoming
Lexham Research Commentary (LRC)
17 books,
14 forthcoming
Library of Biblical Interpretation (LBI)
4 books,
0 forthcoming
Life Application Bible Commentary (LABC)
18 books,
0 forthcoming
MacArthur New Testament Commentary Series (MacNT)
34 books,
0 forthcoming
MacArthur Old Testament Commentary Series (MacOT)
2 books,
0 forthcoming
Maggid Studies in Tanakh (MagST)
20 books,
0 forthcoming
Mentor Commentaries (Ment)
28 books,
1 forthcoming
Mentor Expository Commentaries (MEC)
5 books,
0 forthcoming
Mercer Commentary on the Bible (MCB)
8 books,
0 forthcoming
Moody Gospel Commentary (MGC)
4 books,
0 forthcoming
New American Commentary (NAC)
49 books,
1 forthcoming
New American Commentary Studies in Bible & Theology (NAC-SBT)
11 books,
0 forthcoming
New Beacon Bible Commentary (NBBC)
69 books,
0 forthcoming
New Cambridge Bible Commentary (NCBC)
21 books,
9 forthcoming
New Century Bible Commentary (NCB)
42 books,
0 forthcoming
New Collegeville Bible Commentary (NColBC)
49 books,
0 forthcoming
New Covenant Commentary Series (NCCS)
17 books,
5 forthcoming
New International Biblical Commentary on the New Testament (NIBCNT)
0 books,
0 forthcoming
New International Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament (NIBCOT)
0 books,
0 forthcoming
New International Commentary on the New Testament (NICNT)
41 books,
8 forthcoming
New International Commentary on the Old Testament (NICOT)
42 books,
12 forthcoming
New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC)
14 books,
10 forthcoming
New Interpreter's Bible (NIB)
75 books,
0 forthcoming
New Testament Everyday Bible Study Series (NTEBS)
11 books,
0 forthcoming
New Testament For Everyone (NTE)
22 books,
0 forthcoming
New Testament Library (NTL)
17 books,
3 forthcoming
NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)
57 books,
0 forthcoming
Old Testament for Everyone (OTE)
17 books,
0 forthcoming
Old Testament Library (OTL)
46 books,
9 forthcoming
Osborne New Testament Commentaries (ONTC)
12 books,
0 forthcoming
Oxford Bible Commentary (OxBC)
18 books,
0 forthcoming
Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament (PAI)
22 books,
0 forthcoming
Pelican New Testament Commentaries (PelNTC)
8 books,
0 forthcoming
Pentecostal Commentary (PC)
20 books,
8 forthcoming
Pentecostal Old Testament and New Testament Commentaries (POTNTC)
2 books,
1 forthcoming
People's Bible Commentary (PBC)
42 books,
0 forthcoming
Pillar New Testament Commentary (PNTC)
24 books,
2 forthcoming
Pillar Old Testament Commentary (POTC)
0 books,
16 forthcoming
Popular Commentary (PC)
25 books,
0 forthcoming
Preaching the Word (PtW)
41 books,
1 forthcoming
Preaching the Word (Smyths & Helwys) (PtWsh)
11 books,
0 forthcoming
Proclamation Trust (PT)
29 books,
0 forthcoming
Proclamation: Preaching the New Testament (PPNT)
3 books,
9 forthcoming
Reading the New Testament (1st Series) (RNT1)
13 books,
0 forthcoming
Reading the New Testament (2nd Series) (RNT2)
7 books,
1 forthcoming
Reading the Old Testament (ROT)
14 books,
0 forthcoming
Readings: A New Biblical Commentary (Read)
26 books,
0 forthcoming
Reformation Commentary on Scripture (RCS)
22 books,
7 forthcoming
Reformation Heritage Bible Commentary (RHBC)
7 books,
0 forthcoming
Reformed Expository Commentary (REC)
37 books,
5 forthcoming
Revised Expositor's Bible Commentary (REBC)
66 books,
0 forthcoming
Sacra Pagina (SP)
20 books,
0 forthcoming
SBL Commentary on the Septuagint (SBLCS)
0 books,
31 forthcoming
Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary (SDABC)
7 books,
0 forthcoming
Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary (SDAIBC)
6 books,
2 forthcoming
Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary (SHBC)
57 books,
3 forthcoming
Social Identity Commentaries on the New Testament (SICNT)
4 books,
1 forthcoming
Social-Science Commentary (SSC)
6 books,
0 forthcoming
Socio-Rhetorical Commentary (SRC)
10 books,
0 forthcoming
Spirit-Filled Life New Testament Commentary Series (SFLNT)
4 books,
0 forthcoming
St. Andrew's Expository Commentary (StAEC)
9 books,
0 forthcoming
Story of God Bible Commentary (SGBC)
24 books,
18 forthcoming
Teach the Text Commentary Series (TTCS)
25 books,
6 forthcoming
The Bible in Medieval Tradition (BMT)
5 books,
0 forthcoming
The Church's Bible (ChBib)
6 books,
0 forthcoming
The Commentators' Bible (TCB JPS)
3 books,
0 forthcoming
The Preacher's Commentary (TPC)
37 books,
0 forthcoming
Theology of Work Bible Commentary series (ToWBC)
5 books,
0 forthcoming
Through New Eyes Bible Commentary (TNEBC)
4 books,
0 forthcoming
Through Old Testament Eyes (TOTE)
5 books,
1 forthcoming
Two Horizons New Testament Commentary (THNTC)
10 books,
0 forthcoming
Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary (THOTC)
13 books,
0 forthcoming
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (TNTC)
34 books,
2 forthcoming
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (TOTC)
68 books,
1 forthcoming
Understanding the Bible New Testament (UBNT)
18 books,
0 forthcoming
Understanding the Bible Old Testament (UBOT)
30 books,
0 forthcoming
Welwyn Commentary Series (WCS)
49 books,
0 forthcoming
Wesleyan Bible Commentary (WesBC)
23 books,
0 forthcoming
Wesleyan Bible Commentary (Eerdmans) (WesBC-Eerd)
40 books,
0 forthcoming
Westminster Bible Companion (WBComp)
34 books,
0 forthcoming
Windows on the Text (WT)
1 books,
1 forthcoming
Wisdom Commentary Series (WC)
43 books,
27 forthcoming
Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament (WSCNT)
4 books,
14 forthcoming
Word Biblical Commentary (WBC)
92 books,
37 forthcoming
Wycliffe Exegetical Commentary (WEC)
8 books,
0 forthcoming
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (ZECNT)
16 books,
4 forthcoming
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament (ZECOT)
16 books,
25 forthcoming
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary (ZIBBC)
76 books,
0 forthcoming
Other Biblical Studies Series
Acadia Studies in Bible and Theology (ASBT)
19 books,
0 forthcoming
Ad Fontes (AF)
6 books,
2 forthcoming
All the Books of the Bible (ABB)
34 books,
0 forthcoming
Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library (AYBRL)
55 books,
0 forthcoming
Ancient Christian Writers (ACW)
11 books,
0 forthcoming
Apostolic Fathers Commentary Series (AFCS)
4 books,
0 forthcoming
Australian College of Theology Monograph Series (ACTMS)
8 books,
0 forthcoming
BE Series (BE)
49 books,
0 forthcoming
Biblical and Theological Classics Library (BTCL)
24 books,
0 forthcoming
Biblical Theology for Life (BTfL)
6 books,
0 forthcoming