Commentaries on 1 & 2 Chronicles
A list of the best commentaries on 1 & 2 Chronicles ranked by scholars, journal reviws, and site users. You can find the best commentary on 1 & 2 Chronicles for you using the tools on the right side.
Top 3
2 Chronicles. WBC. Thomas Nelson, 1987.

The Gospel Coalition
Braun and Dillard’s commentaries on First and Second Chronicles are both technically serious and theologically insightful. more

Crux Sola (Nijay Gupta's Blog)
Dillard is one of my favorite commentaries, but Braun is also quite good. more

Ligonier Ministries (Keith A. Mathison)
Although they are on the more technical side, the commentaries by Braun and Dillard in the Word Biblical Commentary series are indispensable for serious study of the text. more

Denver Seminary Journal
Similar to Braun for 1 Chronicles, with appreciation of Williamson's work in several cases. more
I and II Chronicles. OTL. Westminster John Knox, 1993.

The Gospel Coalition
Japhet’s commentary is meticulous and intelligent, asking new and relevant questions of the text and answering by making broad appeals to relevant literature, history, and philology. more

Crux Sola (Nijay Gupta's Blog)
This isn’t just a great commentary on Chronicles, I think it’s one of the best commentaries ever written on any biblical book. more

Princeton Theological Seminary
offers a thorough critical and exegetical study of these OT books. more

Tim Challies
Japhet’s commentary is written from something of a critical perspective, so an extra measure of discernment will be necessary when consulting it. more
1 Chronicles. WBC. Thomas Nelson, 1986.

The Gospel Coalition
Braun and Dillard’s commentaries on First and Second Chronicles are both technically serious and theologically insightful. more

1 Chronicles is not necessarily a book that is regularly preached, dived into devotionally, or particularly popular. more

Crux Sola (Nijay Gupta's Blog)
Dillard is one of my favorite commentaries, but Braun is also quite good. more

Dr Robert Dann
This is a textual analysis rather than a theological or historical commentary - of value to translators rather than pastors or teachers. more

Tim Challies
WBC’s volumes on 1 & 2 Chronciles are written by different authors which makes them a little bit uneven. more
New and Notable
The Message of Chronicles (Rev. ed.). BST. IVP Academic, 2022.

The Gospel Coalition
Wilcock’s commentary is a strong preaching commentary because of its emphasis on the sermonic intention behind Chronicles. more
All Commentaries on 1 & 2 Chronicles
Forthcoming Commentaries
Year | Author | Title | Series |
forthcoming 2025 | Lamb, David T. | 1 and 2 Chronicles | Baker Commentary on the Old Testament |
forthcoming 2024 | Palmer, Christine E. | 1 and 2 Chronicles | Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament |
forthcoming | Bautch, Richard J. | 2 Chronicles | Anchor Yale Bible |
forthcoming | Ben Zvi, Ehud | 2 Chronicles | International Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament |
forthcoming | Endres, John C.; Dibley, Genevive | 1 and 2 Chronicles | Wisdom Commentary Series |
forthcoming | Evans, Paul S. | The First Book of Chronicles | New International Commentary on the Old Testament |
forthcoming | Evans, Paul S. | The Second Book of Chronicles | New International Commentary on the Old Testament |
forthcoming | Good, Roger | 1 Supplements (Chronicles) | SBL Commentary on the Septuagint |
forthcoming | Good, Roger | 2 Supplements (Chronicles) | SBL Commentary on the Septuagint |
forthcoming | Johnson, Benjamin | 1 and 2 Chronicles | Evangelical Exegetical Commentary |
forthcoming | Kalimi, Isaac | 2 Chronicles | Historical Commentary on the Old Testament |
forthcoming | Kim, Grace Ji-Sun | 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah | Belief: Theological Commentary on the Bible |
forthcoming | Kim, Grace Ji-Sun | 1 and 2 Chronicles | Belief: Theological Commentary on the Bible |
forthcoming | Lovell, Nathan | 1 and 2 Chronicles | Bible in God's World Commentary |
forthcoming | Ristau, Kenneth A. | 1 Chronicles | Word Biblical Commentary |
forthcoming | Ristau, Kenneth A. | 2 Chronicles | Word Biblical Commentary |
forthcoming | Schniedewind, William M. | 1 and 2 Chronicles | New Cambridge Bible Commentary |