in Tyndale New Testament Commentaries
InterVarsity Press
The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (TNTC) have long been a trusted resource for Bible study. Written by some of the world's most distinguished evangelicals scholars, including F. F. Bruce, Leon Morris, N. T. Wright, and Donald Guthrie, these twenty volumes offer clear, reliable and relevant explanations of every book in the New Testament.Formerly distributed by Eerdmans Publishing Co., InterVarsity Press is pleased to begin offering this series as a compliment to the popular Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (TOTC). Like the TOTCs, the TNTC volumes are designed to help readers understand what the Bible actually says and what it means. The aim throughout is to get at the true meaning of the Bible and to make its message plain to readers today.
Another workmanlike commentary in the Tyndale series. The introduction covers the much debated question of authorship predominately. The commentary explains many Greek words and is more scholarly than inspiring. It tends to shy away from controversies in the book of Hebrews such as the author's use of non-messianic passages from the Old Testament in a messianic context. This is likely appropriate in a conservative commentary, but there were times I found myself turning to other sources to try and discover the answers to some obvious questions. Worth reading if you own the series, but not buying as a stand alone.