Commentaries on Acts
A list of the best commentaries on Acts ranked by scholars, journal reviws, and site users. You can find the best commentary on Acts for you using the tools on the right side.
Top 3
Acts. BECNT. Baker Academic, 2007.

The Gospel Coalition
Though Bock can greatly help those without Greek, his work provides plentiful help for those with Greek proficiency. more

Tim Challies
Keith Mathison gives this one his highest recommendation saying, “Darrell Bock’s massive and outstanding two-volume commentary on the Gospel of Luke raised my expectations for his commentary on Acts in the same series. more

Brian Tabb
Bock's Baker commentary is an outstanding exegetical commentary written from an evangelical perspective which engages with the best Acts scholarship. more
The Acts of the Apostles: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary. SRC. Eerdmans, 1997.

Phillip J. Long
This commentary is one of the best for cultural background material for reading Acts and has been the “first off the shelf” for me for several years. more

Tim Challies
There is near-unanimous praise for Ben Witherington’s socio-rhetorical approach and its suitability to the book of Acts. more

Acts. 2 Vols. ICC. T&T Clark, 1994.

Ligonier Ministries (Keith A. Mathison)
Like the commentary on Matthew by Davies and Allison, this two-volume commentary on Acts in the ICC series is massive and technical. more
All Commentaries on Acts
Forthcoming Commentaries
Year | Author | Title | Series |
forthcoming | Alexander, Loveday | Acts | Black's New Testament Commentary |
forthcoming | Aune, David E. | Luke-Acts | Illuminations Commentary Series |
forthcoming | Aune, David E. | Acts | Illuminations Commentary Series |
forthcoming | Green, Joel B. | The Book of Acts | New International Commentary on the New Testament |
forthcoming | Hamilton, Ian | Acts | Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament |
forthcoming | Johnson, Terry L. | Acts | Reformed Expository Commentary |
forthcoming | Kellum, Scott | Acts | Evangelical Exegetical Commentary |
forthcoming | Kurz, William S. | The Acts of the Apostles | |
forthcoming | Strait, Drew J. | Acts | Bible in God's World Commentary |
forthcoming | Walton, Steve John | Acts 9:43–19 | Word Biblical Commentary |
forthcoming | Walton, Steve John | Acts 20–28 | Word Biblical Commentary |