Crockett, William V.; Walvoord, John F.; Hayes, Zachary J.; Pinnock, Clark H. |
Four Views on Hell |
192 |
1997 |
Stuckenbruck, Loren T. |
The Myth of Rebellious Angels: Studies in Second Temple Judaism and New Testament Texts |
477 |
2017 |
Williamson, Paul R. |
Death and the Afterlife: Biblical Perspectives on Ultimate Questions |
2017 |
Bonda, Jan |
The One Purpose of God: An Answer to the Doctrine of Eternal Punishment |
304 |
1998 |
Connelly, Douglas |
After Life: What the Bible Really Says |
140 |
1995 |
Edwards, David |
After Death?: Past Beliefs and Real Possibilities (Contemporary Christian Insights) |
192 |
2001 |
Erickson, Millard J. |
How Shall They Be Saved?: The Destiny of Those Who Do Not Hear of Jesus |
278 |
1996 |
Fackre, Gabriel J.; Nash, Ronald; Sanders, John |
What About Those Who Have Never Heard: three views on the desiny of the unevangelized |
1995 |
Habermas, Gary R.; Moreland, J. P. |
Beyond Death: Exploring the Evidence for Immortality |
462 |
2004 |
Habermas, Gary R.; Moreland, J. P. |
Immortality: The Other Side of Death |
275 |
1992 |
Henry, Carl F. H.; Mohler Jr., R. Albert; Akin, Daniel L.; Beougher, Timothy K.; Geivett, R. Douglas |
Who Will Be Saved?: Defending the Biblical Understanding of God, Salvation, and Evangelism |
240 |
2000 |
Johnston, Philip S. |
Shades of Sheol: Death and Afterlife in the Old Testament |
288 |
2002 |
Ludlow, Morwenna |
Universal Salvation: Eschatology in the Thought of Gregory of Nyssa and Karl Rahner (Oxford Theological Monographs) |
320 |
2009 |
Parry, Robin A.; Partridge, Christopher H. |
Universal Salvation?: The Current Debate |
291 |
2004 |
Russell, Jeffrey Burton |
A History of Heaven |
256 |
1998 |
Sanders, John |
No Other Name: An Investigation Into the Destiny of the Unevangelized |
334 |
2001 |
Edwards, David; Stott, John R. W. |
Evangelical Essentials: A Liberal Evangelical Dialogue |
354 |
1989 |
Twelftree, Graham H. |
Life After Death (Thinking Clearly) |
224 |
2003 |
Walls, Jerry L. |
Heaven: The Logic of Eternal Joy |
272 |
2007 |
Bernstein, Alan E. |
The Formation of Hell: Death and Retribution in the Ancient and Early Christian Worlds |
392 |
1996 |
Blanchard, John |
Whatever Happened to Hell? |
336 |
2003 |
Larry, Dixon |
The Other Side Of The Good News |
272 |
2003 |
Fernando, Ajith |
Crucial Questions About Hell |
190 |
1994 |
Fudge, Edward William; Peterson, Robert A. |
Two Views of Hell: A Biblical & Theological Dialogue (Spectrum) |
228 |
2000 |
eds. Hilborn, David |
The Nature of Hell: A Report by the Evangelical Alliance Commission on Unity and Truth Among Evangelicals (ACUTE) |
162 |
2000 |
Kvanvig, Jonathan L. |
The Problem of Hell |
192 |
1993 |
Klassen, Randy |
What Does the Bible Really Say About Hell? Wrestling With the Traditional View (Living Issues Discussion, Vol. 2) (Living Issues Discussion Series) |
164 |
2001 |
Moore, David G. |
The Battle for Hell |
118 |
1996 |
Pawson, David |
The Road to Hell |
205 |
2008 |
Peterson, Robert A. |
Hell on Trial: The Case for Eternal Punishment |
258 |
1995 |
Powys, David J. |
Hell: A Hard Look at a Hard Question: The Fate of the Unrighteous in New Testament Thought (Paternoster Biblical Monographs) |
518 |
2007 |
Walls, Jerry L. |
Hell: The Logic Of Damnation |
182 |
1992 |
Bell, Rob |
Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived |
224 |
2011 |
Galli, Mark |
God Wins: Heaven, Hell, and Why the Good News Is Better than Love Wins |
224 |
2011 |
Heaven and Hell |
Wittmer, Michael E. |
Christ Alone: An Evangelical Response to Rob Bell's Love Wins |
172 |
2011 |
Chan, Francis; Sprinkle, Preston M. |
Erasing Hell: What God said about eternity, and the things we made up |
208 |
2011 |
Jones, Larry Paul; Sumney, Jerry L. |
Preaching Apocalyptic Texts |
144 |
1999 |
Yamauchi, Edwin M.; Bolt, Peter; Bauckham, Richard J.; Hagner, Donald A.; Lincoln, Andrew T.; Harris, Murray J.; Hansen, G. Walter; Green, Joel B.; Lane, William L.; Trites, Allison A. |
Life in the Face of Death; The Resurrection Message of the New Testament |
324 |
1998 |
Gundry, Stanley N.; Crockett, William V.; Walvoord, John F.; Hayes, Zachary J.; Pinnock, Clark H. |
Four Views on Hell |
192 |
1996 |
Hauge, Matthew Ryan |
The Biblical Tour of Hell |
224 |
2015 |
Burk, Denny; Stackhouse Jr., John G.; Parry, Robin A.; Walls, Jerry L. |
Four Views on Hell |
208 |
2016 |
de Boer, Martinus C. |
The Defeat of Death: Apocalyptic Eschatology in 1 Corinthians 15 and Romans 5 |
1988 |