Thessalonians, the Pastorals, and Hebrews
Thessalonians, the Pastorals, and Hebrews

Thessalonians, the Pastorals, and Hebrews

in Hendriksen & Kistemaker

by William Hendriksen and Simon J. Kistemaker

5 Rank Score: 5.3 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 14 user libraries
Publisher Baker Books
Published 6/1/1996
ISBN-13 9780801020797


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atchiso9 atchiso9 September 5, 2010
I am thoroughly impressed with the work of both Kistemaker and Hendriksen. Both have an utter devotional quality devoid of some of the newer technical commentaries. However, they are more than willing to take excursions and work on a technical level. Hendriksen's work on the Pastoral's was especially helpful. `The first thirty pages on 1 Timothy was dedicated to defending Pauline authorship; advancing arguments based on the church fathers to citing "new word studies" to defending that the epistle overflows with Pauline theology. Hendriksen's defense is far from dated and is a wonderful starting block for defending Pauline authorship. His exegesis is very faithful, diving into the Greek when necessary but not choking you out with it. At times he even works over every single word in the sentence. Sometimes it can be a little overbearing, but other times it is explosive and can bring you to tears (see his work on 1 Tim. 1:15, absolutely amazing). Finally, the doctrinal content is on the dot. Thoroughly evangelical, wonderfully cross-centered and solidly reformed, this book reaches out to sinners to present an exalted God who loves sinners and sent his son into the world to save them (1 Timothy 1:15). Overall, this commentary will probably stay at one of my top two for the pastorals. It has been wonderful help to my study and teaching of 1 Timothy and the other pastorals.