Commentaries on Romans
A list of the best commentaries on Romans ranked by scholars, journal reviws, and site users. You can find the best commentary on Romans for you using the tools on the right side.
Top 3
The Epistle to the Romans. NICNT. Eerdmans, 1996.

The Gospel Coalition
Moo’s excellent commentary is meticulously researched, theologically sound, carefully written, and balanced in its treatment of those with whom it disagrees. more

Nijay K. Gupta
Now in its second edition, this is widely-known and appreciated as a carefully researched commentary with attention to the Greek text, but also offers Moo’s perspective on key issues in Pauline theology. more

Warren Truesdale
This is an exceptional commentary that is shorter (remember that this word is relative) and less expensive (and so is this) than Cranfield. more
Romans. 2 Vols. ICC. T&T Clark, 1975.

Tim Challies
Romans is a book aptly highlighting that up-to-date commentaries do not represent historical arrogance as much as sheer necessity. more

Phillip J. Long
Cranfield replaced the venerable Sanday and Headlam volume on Romans in the ICC series (available for free via Google Books). more
Romans. BECNT. Baker Academic, 1998.

Robert M. Bowman Jr.
Evangelical exegetical and theological commentary that is critical of the approach taken by Dunn and other scholars. more

Tim Challies
Several commentators on the commentaries seem to treat Moo, Murray and Schreiner as a team or trio. more
New and Notable
Romans: A Theological and Pastoral Commentary. Eerdmans, 2022.

Review of Biblical Literature (RBL)
This commentary explicitly treats Paul’s letter to the Romans as Scripture, and it would work well
in Romans classes on the undergraduate and seminary levels that are not based on the Greek text. more

Wesley Thomas Davey (The Journal of Theological Studies)
Romans may be a new genre for Michael Gorman, but one quickly discovers in it a convergence of the skills that have come to typify his scholarly work. more

Horizons Journal: C. Clifton Black
For its intended audience, this is the finest commentary on Romans I have ever read. more

Corey Marsh (Religious Studies Review)
One of the world’s leading Pauline scholars offers a careful ex-position of Romans that shines exegetical acumen with theo-logical depth and pastoral sensitivity. more

Englewood Review: Aaron Klink
Gorman’s commentary is substantive, sophisticated, and accessible. more
All Commentaries on Romans
Forthcoming Commentaries
Year | Author | Title | Series |
forthcoming 2027 | Macaskill, Grant | Romans | International Theological Commentary (T&T Clark) |
forthcoming 2027 | Macaskill, Grant | Romans 9–16 | International Theological Commentary (T&T Clark) |
forthcoming 2024 | Macaskill, Grant | Romans 1–8 | International Theological Commentary (T&T Clark) |
forthcoming | Campbell, Douglas A. | Romans | Commentaries for Christian Formation |
forthcoming | Das, A. Andrew | Romans | Evangelical Exegetical Commentary |
forthcoming | Dodson, Joseph R. | Romans | Brill Exegetical Commentary Series |
forthcoming | Dunn, James D. G.; Herms, Roland | Romans (Rev. ed.) | Word Biblical Commentary |
forthcoming | Dunn, James D. G.; Herms, Roland | Romans 1–8 (Rev. ed.) | Word Biblical Commentary |
forthcoming | Dunn, James D. G.; Herms, Roland | Romans 9–16 (Rev. ed.) | Word Biblical Commentary |
forthcoming | Fiddes, Paul S. | Romans Through the Centuries | Blackwell Bible Commentaries |
forthcoming | Gombis, Timothy G. | Romans | Bible in God's World Commentary |
forthcoming | John of Damascus; Theodore of Mopsuestia | Commentaries on the Pauline Epistles | Ancient Christian Texts |
forthcoming | Still, Todd D. | Romans | New Cambridge Bible Commentary |
forthcoming | Westerholm, Stephen | Romans | Illuminations Commentary Series |
forthcoming | Yeago, David | Romans | Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible |