The Acts of the Apostles
in Pillar New Testament Commentary
848 pages
Fifteen years in the making, this comprehensive commentary by David Peterson offers thorough exegesis and exposition of the Acts of the Apostles, drawing on recent scholarship in the fields of narrative criticism and theological analysis, incorporating insights into historical-social background, and investigating why Luke presents his material in the way he does.
In view of how long the book of Acts is—over a thousand verses—Peterson's commentary is admirably economical yet meaty. His judgments, according to Don Carson, are always "sane, evenhanded, and judicious." Even while unpacking exegetical details, Peterson constantly scans the horizon, keeping the larger picture in mind. With its solid exegesis, astute theological analysis, and practical contemporary application, Peterson's Acts of the Apostles is a commentary that preachers, teachers, and students everywhere will want and need.
In view of how long the book of Acts is—over a thousand verses—Peterson's commentary is admirably economical yet meaty. His judgments, according to Don Carson, are always "sane, evenhanded, and judicious." Even while unpacking exegetical details, Peterson constantly scans the horizon, keeping the larger picture in mind. With its solid exegesis, astute theological analysis, and practical contemporary application, Peterson's Acts of the Apostles is a commentary that preachers, teachers, and students everywhere will want and need.
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Basic Library Booklist by Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
- Cambridge Chinese Christian: Recommended Commentaries by Calvin Cheah
- Building an NT Commentary Library by Invitation to Biblical Interpretation (Kostenberger & Patterson)
- Recommended New Testament Commentaries for Evangelical Pastors by Thomas R. Schreiner
- TGC: Preaching Commentaries by The Gospel Coalition
A first choice for pastors. Tabb says this outstanding commentary is “exegetically responsible, eminently readable, and consistently insightful.” Carson says the work reflects careful exegetical work “across the gamut of integral disciplines: text criticism, grammatical exegesis, historical considerations, literary criticism, and, above all, robust theological reflection.” All this is delivered along with nuggets of practical application. The digestible-in-length commentary is one-stop shopping, and Peterson’s theology makes it exceptionally rich.
[Full Review]
David G. Peterson has written an extensive, literary-theological study of Acts
Peterson's commentary is robust and evangelical. The introduction which is nearly 100 pages is quite excellent. His comments focus on the story as it unfolds and the overall theology expressed in the book rather than redaction and text-critical issues. I wish it did not transliterate the Greek, but for some this is preferable.
Peterson's commentary is outstanding! I have used this commentary extensively for personal research and as a required textbook at the college and seminary level. Peterson's strengths include analysis of the literary structure of the book and his theological synthesis, both in the introduction and throughout the book. This commentary ranks with Bock's Baker volume (and soon also Walton's WBC offering) as the top evangelical Acts commentaries.
Having just spend the last year working on a dissertation in the book of Acts i can safely say that if i could have only one commentary on my shelves on the book of Acts it would be Peterson's. It is thorough, addresses well all the main issues, takes the best from previous research, and includes both technical and theological comment. An outstanding commentary.