

in Belief: Theological Commentary on the Bible

by Willie James Jennings

5 Rank Score: 5.22 from 1 reviews, 2 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 272
Publisher Westminster John Knox
Published 5/5/2017
ISBN-13 9780664234003


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G Ware G Ware April 27, 2021
A very different sort of commentary. This does not provide the normal historical-grammatical exposition, or critical approach material. Instead, Jennings focuses on reading the text for contemporary theological reflection and preaching, noting the spiritual vibrancy of the narrative of Acts, and how the unfolding work of the Spirit among the Apostles informs the ongoing prophetic and spiritual work of the Church in the present. If you are looking for insights into the Greek text, or intertexuality or socio-rhetorical analysis, or textual criticism, or traditional exposition, you won't find it here. That said, it is useful, and inspiring for a very different purpose, and Jennings succeeds in accomplishing what he sets out to do. For the reader open to something out of the ordinary in their commentary library, this is a must.