Commentaries on Galatians
A list of the best commentaries on Galatians ranked by scholars, journal reviws, and site users. You can find the best commentary on Galatians for you using the tools on the right side.
Top 3
Galatians. WBC. Thomas Nelson, 1990.

Tim Challies
Carson recommends Longenecker’s work as one of his two top recommendations for Galatians (along with Bruce). more
The Epistle to the Galatians. NIGTC. Eerdmans, 1982.

Ligonier Ministries (Keith A. Mathison)
The NIGTC series is a technical commentary series requiring knowledge of Greek to use fully. more
Galatians. NAC. Broadman & Holman, 1994.

I have become a collector of commentaries ever since my seminary days in the 1990s. more

Tim Challies
While Timothy George is primarily a church historian, he has written what the commentators on the commentaries agree is a wonderful work on Galatians. more

Phillip J. Long
This commentary is a bit different than others in the NAC series in that George is a professor of Theology and Church History. more

Jeremy Pierce (parableman)
Timothy George's NAC is strongest on the theological message of the text, and he does a great job placing his discussion in the light of the history of commentary on Galatians. more

Ligonier Ministries (Keith A. Mathison)
Derek Thomas describes this commentary as "wonderful," and I concur. more
New and Notable
Galatians. SGBC. Zondervan, 2023.

Overall, then, this is in my view an excellent readable pastoral commentary on Galatians. more
Galatians. EBTC. Lexham Press, 2021.

The Gospel Coalition
This commentary traces the argument of Paul’s most polemic letter with detail and rigor. more

All Commentaries on Galatians
Forthcoming Commentaries
Year | Author | Title | Series |
forthcoming 2024 | Croteau, David A. | Galatians | Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament |
forthcoming | Barclay, John M. G. | Galatians | International Theological Commentary (T&T Clark) |
forthcoming | George, Roji Thomas | Galatians | Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament |
forthcoming | Heim, Erin M. | A Commentary on Galatians | Kregel Exegetical Library |
forthcoming | Heim, Erin M. | Galatians | Bible in God's World Commentary |
forthcoming | John of Damascus; Theodore of Mopsuestia | Commentaries on the Pauline Epistles | Ancient Christian Texts |
forthcoming | Kahl, Brigitte | Galatians | Wisdom Commentary Series |
forthcoming | McCaulley, Esau | Galatians | Word Biblical Commentary |
forthcoming | Pitts, Andrew W. | Galatians | Brill Exegetical Commentary Series |
forthcoming | Witherup, Ronald D. | Galatians |