

in Reformed Expository Commentary

by Philip Graham Ryken

4.79 Rank Score: 5.63 from 7 reviews, 2 featured collections, and 9 user libraries
Pages 290 pages
Publisher P&R Publishing
Published 6/1/2005
ISBN-13 9780875527826
Philip Graham Ryken interprets Galatians in line with Reformation teaching on this epistle, especially with respect to the doctrine of justification by faith alone. “Properly understood, the gracious gospel of Galatians liberates us from legalism,” Ryken writes. “But since we are legalists by nature, the book challenges many of our preconceptions about what it means to have a right relationship with God.” Ryken employs primarily the ESV.


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Robert N Houston Robert N Houston October 8, 2021
Excellent. Accessible to laypersons. Ryken is consistently reliable as a commentator. Highly recommended.
Tim Challies Tim Challies June 24, 2013
I have often expressed my love for the Reformed Expository series of commentaries. Ryken’s volume on Galatians is said to be among the best in the series and among the best of all the options available for Galatians. Derek Thomas describes it as “a model commentary: expositional, pastoral, confessional, and Christological.” Because it is based on sermons, it is equally helpful for pastors preparing sermons or the general reader who wishes to study the book or to simply supplement Scripture reading with commentary. [Full Review]
Brian Richards Brian Richards September 14, 2012
Philip Ryken's commentary on Galatians is a must for bible teachers. Similar to the Preaching the Word series, Ryken focuses on passage guides rather than word for word exegesis. I found that to be very helpful and engrossing. Packed with illustrations and wisdom, I highly recommend this as a first purchase if you are studying or teaching Galatians.
Philip Ryken's REC defends the traditional approach very well. This is more of a series of expositions, actually based on sermons, than a commentary, but it's expository preaching of the sort that centers enough on good exegesis that it's helpful. [Full Review]
Philip Ryken's commentary is not the most technical commentary available, but in terms of getting the basic message of the book across, it is certainly one of the best. Written by an able Reformed pastor/scholar, this volume should prove especially helpful to pastors and teachers. Very highly recommended. [Full Review]
Derek W. H. Thomas Derek W. H. Thomas September 21, 2008
A model commentary: expositional, pastoral, confessional, and Christological.