The Message of Galatians
InterVarsity Press
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Ultimate Commentary Collection: NT Expositional by John Glynn
- TGC: Introductory Commentaries by The Gospel Coalition
Stott’s commentaries are consistently helpful for those doing Bible studies, leading small groups, and teaching Sunday school. This volume is a good resource for any reader ready to go beyond the notes in a study Bible. Stott does a masterful job of combining exposition, sound theology, and careful application in a way that’s accessible and engaging—highly recommended!
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John Stott is a powerful commentator who inevitably has fascinating insights; he is also strong in distilling important points down to pithy phrases. I always benefit from reading his commentaries. This one is highly regarded and apparently makes an excellent choice for the pastor or devotional reader alike.
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I've just finished John Stott's BST commentary on Galatians having read it alongside a sermon series in which I preached. It's a fantastic little book, careful at explaining the text, good at applying the text.
It's not as detailed as you might need for preparing a sermon and it doesn't comment on every verse (5:12 being an outstanding example). It is also written before the New Perspective had so much influence, which means we might be alive to other questions these days.
It is, however, ideal for devotional reading, preparing bible-studies and so forth.
Highly recommended.
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I really appreciate Stott's commentaries. Especially in this series (Bible Speaks Today). They're very readable, yet they clearly exposit the text in a useful way. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand this important letter of Paul's!
A brief but thoughtfull and concise commentary. Written as a devotional type of commentary Stott does not go into the technical and scholarly aspects of Galatians but he does a superb job in summarizing a verse and drawing conclusions from the text. The most frustrating and disappointing aspect of the commentary was its lack of an introduction. In some of Stott's other BST commentaries he includes an introduction but not here in Galatians. However the thoughtfulness of Stott's arguements and expositional skill more than makes up for the lack of an intro. Solid commentary for the serious student and layman, will go well in a pastor's library but will need to be suplemented by a more technical commentary such as George or Bruce.
Provides an excellent pastoral study of the letter. Does not get into any of the debated issues in the letter, but wonderfully presents the traditional reading of the text.
Stott defends Paul's apostolic authority and his gospel message of salvation through faith alone from critics ancient and modern. He goes on to explain how Christian liberty does not lead to license, but to a harvest of sanctification by sowing to the Spirit. Despite being slightly dated, this another insightful and accessible commentary from a fine Biblical expositor.
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