Hell: A Hard Look at a Hard Question: The Fate of the Unrighteous in New Testament Thought (Paternoster Biblical Monographs)
Hell: A Hard Look at a Hard Question: The Fate of the Unrighteous in New Testament Thought (Paternoster Biblical Monographs)

Hell: A Hard Look at a Hard Question: The Fate of the Unrighteous in New Testament Thought (Paternoster Biblical Monographs)

by David J. Powys

Pages 518
Publisher Wipf & Stock
Published 1/1/2007
ISBN-13 9781597527569
Writing from a position of biblical conservatism, the author examines rigorously some of the many questions which are raised by the doctrine of hell. He presents a convincing and scholarly case for the view that the unrighteous will forfeit resurrection life in the Kingdom of God.


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