Romans: Righteousness from Heaven
Romans: Righteousness from Heaven

Romans: Righteousness from Heaven

in Preaching the Word

by R. Kent Hughes

4.6 Rank Score: 4.84 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 6 user libraries
Pages 352 pages
Publisher Crossway
Published 4/1/1991
ISBN-13 9780891075240


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Joel R. Beeke Joel R. Beeke May 4, 2012
Justification by faith, abounding grace, freedom from sin, becoming a living sacrifice—Paul’s epistle to the Romans contains ideas that have challenged Christians since it was written. In this new commentary (fifth in the Preaching the Word series), Hughes offers clear exposition of the entire epistle along with practical applications. And don’t let the series title fool you—this commentary is excellent for teachers, study groups, and individuals too. About 350 pages, hardcover. [Full Review]
Jonathan C. Jonathan C. September 16, 2008
While this commentary does not tackle the issues with the depth Moo and others, it does look at the book more from a pastoral side and less from a scholarly side. When taken in its proper genre, it excels, but one must remember that it will not deal with every issue in the text.