Mike DaVoice

Mike DaVoice

Voice over artist for non-fiction authors.
Occupation Voice Over
Education Bachelors


Boling, Robert G. Judges. AYB. Yale University Press, 1974.
Mike DaVoice Mike DaVoice December 5, 2017
Desperately wanted to like this commentary. Didn't care for the structure or much of the logic. I am very interested in the Samson story, but this failed to deliver. Not a bad book, however. Just didn't take me where I wanted to go.
Ben Zehabe, Michael. A Commentary on Jonah. MISSING PUB, 2011.
Mike DaVoice Mike DaVoice December 5, 2017
Met the author a a book signing for homeschooling parents. He seems to have solved my timidity of teaching Hebrew to Christian students. The book does all the work, but the publisher also offers flash cards, CD's, and other books (All under the title of The Jonah Project). Profound and simple. Rare combination.
Younger Jr., K. Lawson. Judges, Ruth. NIVAC. Zondervan, 2002.
Mike DaVoice Mike DaVoice November 9, 2017
I only read Judges, so far. Very disappointing. Hate to sound rude, but if an author has nothing additional to add to the existing commentaries, maybe they shouldn't bother repeating already covered info. Just a thought.
Ben Zehabe, Michael. Song of Songs: The Book For Daughters. MISSING PUB, 2012.
Mike DaVoice Mike DaVoice November 9, 2017
4 stars means a book has anticipated your questions and provided the answers. 5 stars means a book has asked better questions than you ever could have, and answered them. Easy to read, easy to follow. English translation on left side with Hebrew on right side. My favorite.
Baker, David W.; Alexander, T. Desmond; Waltke, Bruce K. Obadiah, Jonah, Micah. TOTC. InterVarsity Press, 1989.
Mike DaVoice Mike DaVoice November 6, 2017
For years this was my only Jonah reference. So glad I shopped around. Discovered how inadequate this commentary is. My main objection is the Hebrew. I think they missed the mark on the architecture of Jonah. So much beneath the surface that this version doesn't see. Very disappointing.
Gledhill, Tom. The Message of the Song of Songs. BST. InterVarsity Press, 1994.
Mike DaVoice Mike DaVoice November 6, 2017
If you get the message wrong, it stands to reason the rest will be a total exercise in futility. Bought it. Regret it.
Garrett, Duane A.; House, Paul R. Song of Songs, Lamentations. WBC. Thomas Nelson, 2004.
Mike DaVoice Mike DaVoice November 6, 2017
Structure was my biggest problem (121 page introduction!!!). For months this was my only Song of Songs commentary. Just couldn't take it anymore. Bought several more and now I never use this. Sorry, but it's true.
Block, Daniel I. Judges, Ruth. NAC. Broadman & Holman, 1999.
Mike DaVoice Mike DaVoice November 5, 2017
My comment does not include Judges. My comment is directed at the book of Ruth, since that's why I bought it. I had hoped for something more insightful. Would love to read something by a more capable commentator (AND I'VE SEARCHED!). So, I can only give this cautious piece of work a tepid two stars.
Longman III, Tremper. Song of Songs. NICOT. Eerdmans, 2001.
Mike DaVoice Mike DaVoice November 5, 2017
I just found this to be derivative. Nearly all of these conclusions could be found in older works, works that are much more comprehensive. I prefer commentators who explain why they translate, and how they translate. In that regard, a reader would be better off in established, traditional, work.
Sarna, Nahum M. Genesis. JPSBC. Jewish Publication Society of America, 1989.
Mike DaVoice Mike DaVoice November 5, 2017
This is the gold standard, in my judgment. I am a Christian, but this Jewish work is fantastic.