Dunn, James D. G. |
The Theology of Paul the Apostle |
808 |
2006 |
eds. Reid, Daniel G.; Hawthorne, Gerald F.; Martin, Ralph P. |
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters: A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship |
1038 |
1993 |
Polhill, John B. |
Paul and His Letters |
448 |
1999 |
Winter, Bruce W. |
After Paul Left Corinth: The Influence of Secular Ethics and Social Change |
364 |
2001 |
Dunn, James D. G. |
The New Perspective on Paul |
539 |
2007 |
Horrell, David G. |
An Introduction to the Study of Paul (T&T Clark Approaches to Biblical Studies) |
164 |
2006 |
Gorman, Michael J. |
Apostle Of The Crucified Lord: A Theological Introduction To Paul And His Letters |
512 |
2004 |
Burke, Trevor J. |
Adopted into God's Family: Exploring a Pauline Metaphor (New Studies in Biblical Theology) |
233 |
2006 |
Tom, Holland |
Contours Of Pauline Theology |
382 |
2004 |
eds. Donfried, Karl P. |
The Romans Debate: Revised and Expanded Edition |
448 |
1991 |
Schreiner, Thomas R. |
Interpreting the Pauline Epistles |
192 |
2011 |
Betz, Hans Dieter; Hall, Robert G.; Smit, Joop; Berchman, Robert M.; Martin, Troy W.; Classen, Carl Joachim; Dahl, Nils Alstrup; Hansen, G. Walter; Koptak, Paul E.; Vos, Johan S.; Hester, James D.; Dunn, James D. G.; Fredriksen, Paula; Esler, Philip Francis; Nanos, Mark D.; Harvey, A. E.; Jewett, Robert; Martyn, J. Louis; Walter, Nikolaus; Barclay, John M. G.; Lategan, B. C.; Mitternacht, Dieter |
The Galatians Debate: Contemporary Issues in Rhetorical and Historical Interpretation |
517 |
2002 |
White, John L. |
The Apostle of God: Paul and the Promise of Abraham |
320 |
1999 |
Wiles, Virginia |
Making Sense of Paul: A Basic Introduction to Pauline Theology |
176 |
2000 |
Walton, Steve John |
Leadership and Lifestyle: The Portrait of Paul in the Miletus Speech and 1 Thessalonians |
272 |
2000 |
Cummins, Stephen Anthony |
Paul and the Crucified Christ in Antioch: Maccabean Martyrdom and Galatians 1 and 2 |
306 |
2001 |
Hays, Richard B. |
Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul |
254 |
1993 |
Wright, N. T. |
Paul and the Faithfulness of God (Christian Origins and the Question of God: Volume 4) |
1808 |
2013 |
Moyise, Steve P. |
Paul and Scripture: Studying the New Testament Use of the Old Testament |
160 |
2010 |
Wright, N. T. |
Climax of the Covenant: Christ And The Law In Pauline Theology |
332 |
1993 |
Capes, David B.; Reeves, Rodney; Richards, E. Randolph |
Rediscovering Paul: An Introduction to His World, Letters and Theology |
350 |
2007 |
Wenham, David |
Paul: Follower of Jesus or Founder of Christianity? |
472 |
1995 |
Witherington III, Ben |
The Paul Quest: The Renewed Search for the Jew of Tarsus |
347 |
2001 |
Bruce, F. F. |
Paul Apostle of the Heart Set Free |
522 |
2000 |
Schreiner, Thomas R. |
Paul, Apostle of God's Glory in Christ: A Pauline Theology |
504 |
2006 |
Ridderbos, Herman N. |
Paul: An Outline of His Theology |
592 |
1997 |
Wright, N. T. |
Paul: In Fresh Perspective |
195 |
2009 |
Sanders, E. P. |
Paul and Palestinian Judaism: A Comparison of Patterns of Religion |
627 |
1977 |
Hays, Richard B. |
The Conversion of the Imagination: Paul as Interpreter of Israel's Scripture |
233 |
2005 |
Blackwell, Ben C.; Maston, Jason; Goodrich, John K.; Hill, Wesley; Linebaugh, Jonathan A.; Whittle, Sarah; Sherwood, Aaron; Kamell Kovalishyn, Mariam J.; Mathews, Mark D.; Worthington, Jonathan; Dodson, Joseph R.; Wells, Kyle B.; McFarland, Orrey; Lincicum, David; Dunson, Ben C.; Pinter, Dean; Gupta, Nijay K.; Briones, David E.; Mathew, Susan |
Reading Romans in Context: Paul and Second Temple Judaism |
192 |
2015 |
Rosner, Brian S. |
Paul and the Law: Keeping the Commandments of God |
249 |
2013 |
Barclay, John M. G. |
Paul and the Gift |
672 |
2015 |
Barrett, Charles K. |
Paul: An Introduction to His Thought |
180 |
1994 |
Pao, David W. |
Thanksgiving: An Investigation of a Pauline Theme (New Studies in Biblical Theology 13) |
204 |
2002 |
Witherington III, Ben |
Paul's Narrative Thought World |
384 |
1994 |
Marshall, I. Howard; Corley, Bruce; Longenecker, Richard N.; Donaldson, Terence L.; Dunn, James D. G.; Kim, Seyoon; Longenecker, Bruce W.; Westerholm, Stephen; Fee, Gordon D.; Gundry-Volf, Judith M.; Hansen, G. Walter |
The Road from Damascus: The Impact of Paul's Conversion on His Life, Thought, and Ministry |
270 |
1997 |
Meyer, Jason C. |
The End of the Law: Mosaic Covenant in Pauline Theology |
352 |
2009 |
Fee, Gordon D. |
God's Empowering Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Letters of Paul |
992 |
2009 |
Burke, Trevor J. |
Adopted into God's Family: Exploring a Pauline Metaphor |
237 |
2006 |
Keener, Craig S. |
Paul, Women, and Wives Marriage and Women’s Ministry in the Letters of Paul |
384 |
1992 |
Dunn, James D. G. |
Jesus, Paul and the Gospels |
224 |
2011 |
Stanley, Christopher D. |
Paul and the Language of Scripture: Citation Technique in the Pauline Epistles and Contemporary Literature |
412 |
2008 |
Knox, John |
Chapters in a Life of Paul |
160 |
2012 |
Wright, N. T. |
Paul and His Recent Interpreters |
384 |
2015 |
Wright, N. T. |
What Saint Paul Really Said: Was Paul of Tarsus the Real Founder of Christianity? |
245 |
2014 |
Gorman, Michael J. |
Becoming the Gospel: Paul, Participation and Mission (The Gospel and Our Culture Series) |
351 |
2015 |
Davies, W. D. |
Paul and Rabbinic Judaism: some rabbinic elements in Pauline theology (S.P.C.K. Large Paperbacks 5) |
403 |
1970 |
Badenas, Robert |
Christ the End of the Law: Romans 10.4 in Pauline Perspective |
312 |
1987 |
eds. Cohick, Lynn H.; Gupta, Nijay K.; McKnight, Scot; Gissing, Anna Moseley |
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters: A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship |
1264 |
2023 |
Schreiner, Thomas R. |
Paul, Apostle of God's Glory in Christ: A Pauline Theology |
576 |
2019 |
Seifrid, Mark A. |
Christ, Our Righteousness: Paul's Theology of Justification |
222 |
2001 |
eds. Modica, Joseph B.; McKnight, Scot |
Preaching Romans: Four Perspectives |
160 |
2019 |
Fitzmyer, Joseph A. |
According to Paul: Studies in the Theology of the Apostle |
192 |
1993 |
Hubbard, Moyer V. |
New Creation in Paul's Letters and Thought |
308 |
2005 |
eds. Furnish, Victor Paul; Sumney, Jerry L.; Lovering, Eugene H. |
Theology and Ethics in Paul and His Interpreters: Essays in Honor of Victor Paul Furnish |
333 |
1996 |
Martyn, J. Louis |
Theological Issues in the Letters of Paul |
334 |
1997 |
Pate, C. Marvin |
End of the Age Has Come, The |
256 |
1995 |
Strom, Mark |
Reframing Paul: Conversations in Grace & Community |
255 |
2000 |
Lentz Jr., John Clayton |
Luke's Portrait of Paul |
208 |
2004 |
Marshall, I. Howard; Jensen, Peter F.; Goldsworthy, Greame; Dumbrell, William J.; Shead, Andrew G.; Silva, Moisés; Martin, Ralph P.; Wenham, David; Seccombe, David; Hafemann, Scott J.; Longenecker, Richard N.; Robinson, Donald; Carson, D. A.; Peterson, David G.; Kruse, Colin G.; Köstenberger, Andreas J.; Hill, Michael; Barnett, Paul W.; Winter, Bruce W.; Judge, Edwin A.; Gibson, Richard J.; Bolt, Peter; Doyle, Robert C.; Thompson, Mark D. |
The Gospel to the Nations: Perspectives on Paul's Mission: In Honour of Peter T. O'Brien |
429 |
2000 |
Weima, Jeffrey A. D. |
Neglected Endings: The Significance of the Pauline Letter Closings |
160 |
1994 |
Marshall, I. Howard; Davies, W. D.; Wilckens, U.; Bruce, F. F.; Borgen, Peder; Hooker, Morna D.; Court, John M.; Klijn, A. F. J.; Black, Matthew; Benoit, P.; Wilson, Robert McLachlan; Schweizer, Eduard; Casey, Maurice; Hengel, Martin; Barth, Markus; Dahl, Nils Alstrup; Cambier, J. M.; Hahn, Ferdinand; Painter, John; Riesenfeld, Harald; Schnackenburg, Rudolf; Best, Ernest; Cranfield, C. E. B.; Dupont, Jacques; McHugh, John F.; Glasswell, M. E.; Morgan, Robert C.; Wilson, Stephen G.; Daube, David |
Paul and Paulinism Essays in Honour of C.K. Barrett |
404 |
1982 |
Wiles, Gordon P. |
Paul's Intercessory Prayers: The Significance of the Intercessory Prayer Passages in the Letters of St Paul |
364 |
2007 |
Bruce, F. F. |
An Expanded Paraphrase of The Epistles of Paul |
323 |
1965 |
Pao, David W. |
Thanksgiving: An Investigation of a Pauline Theme |
212 |
2002 |
Schutz, John Howard |
Paul and the Anatomy of Apostolic Authority |
334 |
2007 |
Furnish, Victor Paul |
Theology and Ethics in Paul |
322 |
2009 |
Schnelle, Udo |
Apostle Paul: His Life and Theology |
704 |
2005 |
Elliott, Mark W.; Hafemann, Scott J.; Wright, N. T.; Frederick, John |
Galatians and Christian Theology: Justification, the Gospel, and Ethics in Paul's Letter |
384 |
2014 |
Scott, Matthew |
The Hermeneutics of Christological Psalmody in Paul: An Intertextual Enquiry |
240 |
2014 |
Munzinger, André |
Discerning the Spirits: Theological and Ethical Hermeneutics in Paul |
256 |
2011 |
Yee, Tet-Lim N. |
Jews, Gentiles and Ethnic Reconciliation: Paul's Jewish identity and Ephesians |
328 |
2005 |
Lee, Michelle V. |
Paul, the Stoics and the Body of Christ |
240 |
2011 |
eds. Bieringer, Reimund; Nathan, Emmanuel; Pollefeyt, Didier; Tomson, Peter J. |
Second Corinthians in the Perspective of Late Second Temple Judaism |
350 |
2014 |
Bird, Michael F.; Gundry, Stanley N.; Schreiner, Thomas R.; Johnson, Luke Timothy; Campbell, Douglas A.; Nanos, Mark D. |
Four Views on the Apostle Paul |
240 |
2012 |
Yinger, Kent |
Paul, Judaism, and Judgment According to Deeds |
336 |
2007 |
Carter, T. L. |
Paul and the Power of Sin: Redefining 'Beyond the Pale' |
256 |
2005 |
Peterman, Gerald W. |
Paul's Gift from Philippi: Conventions of Gift Exchange and Christian Giving |
260 |
2005 |
Newton, Michael |
The Concept of Purity at Qumran and in the Letters of Paul |
184 |
2005 |
Carr, A. Wesley |
Angels and Principalities: The Background, Meaning and Development of the Pauline Phrase hai archai kai hai exousiai |
256 |
2005 |
Sandnes, Karl Olav |
Belly and Body in the Pauline Epistles |
336 |
2005 |
Dabourne, Wendy |
Purpose and Cause in Pauline Exegesis: Romans 1.16-4.25 and a New Approach to the Letters |
272 |
2005 |
Gundry, Robert H. |
Soma in Biblical Theology With Emphasis on Pauline Anthropology |
280 |
2005 |
Mohrlang, Roger |
Matthew and Paul: A Comparison of Ethical Perspectives |
260 |
2004 |
Lincoln, Andrew T. |
Paradise Now and Not Yet: Studies in the Role of the Heavenly Dimension in Paul's Thought with Special Reference to his Eschatology |
292 |
2004 |
Ziesler, John A. |
The Meaning of Righteousness in Paul: A Linguistic and Theological Enquiry |
268 |
2004 |
MacDonald, Margaret Y. |
The Pauline Churches: A Socio-Historical Study of Institutionalization in the Pauline and Deutrero-Pauline Writings |
304 |
2004 |
Tomson, Peter J. |
Jewish Traditions in Early Christian Literature: Volume 1: Paul and the Jewish Law: Halakha in the Letters of the Apostle to the Gentiles |
348 |
1990 |
Porter, Stanley E. |
Paul in Acts (Library of Pauline Studies) |
256 |
2000 |
Phillips, Thomas E. |
Paul, His Letters, and Acts (Milestones in New Testament Scholarship) |
2013 |
Quarles, Charles L. |
Illustrated Life Of Paul |
300 |
2014 |
Gathercole, Simon J. |
Defending Substitution: An Essay on Atonement in Paul |
1440 |
2015 |
Thompson, James W. |
The Church according to Paul: Rediscovering the Community Conformed to Christ |
304 |
2014 |
Ehrensperger, Kathy |
Paul at the Crossroads of Cultures: Theologizing in the Space Between |
288 |
2015 |
Bertschmann, Dorothea H. |
Bowing before Christ - Nodding to the State? Reading Paul Politically with Oliver O'Donovan and John Howard Yoder |
224 |
2014 |
Lee, Yongbom |
Paul, Scribe of Old and New Intertextual Insights for the Jesus-Paul Debate |
208 |
2014 |
Bruno, Christopher R. |
'God is One' The Function of 'Eis ho Theos' as a Ground for Gentile Inclusion in Paul's Letters |
264 |
2013 |
Aernie, Jeffrey W. |
Is Paul also among the Prophets? An Examination of the Relationship between Paul and the Old Testament Prophetic Tradition in 2 Corinthians |
320 |
2014 |
Meiser, Martin; Oegema, Gerbern S.; Müller, Markus; Blischke, Folker; Leppä, Heikki; Reichert, Angelika; Schreiber, Stefan |
The Torah in the Ethics of Paul |
168 |
2014 |
Benyamini, Itzhak |
Narcissist Universalism: A Psychoanalytic Reading of Paul's Epistles |
144 |
2014 |
Chang, Kei Eun |
The Community, the Individual and the Common Good: 'To Idion' and 'To Sympheron' in the Greco-Roman World and Paul |
272 |
2015 |
Neutel, Karin B. |
A Cosmopolitan Ideal: Paul's Declaration 'neither Jew nor Greek, neither Slave nor Free, nor Male and Female' in the Context of First-Century Thought |
288 |
2015 |
Vanhoozer, Kevin J.; Campbell, Douglas A.; Campbell, Constantine R.; Macaskill, Grant; Eastman, Susan Grove; Croasmun, Matthew; Morales, Isaac Augustine; Gorman, Michael J.; Thate, Michael J.; Jipp, Joshua W.; Blackwell, Ben C.; Sarisky, Darren; Chester, Stephen J.; Canlis, Julie; Baylor, T. Robert; Johnson, Keith L.; Varma, Ashish; Baker, Mary Patton; Singh, Devin P. |
In Christ in Paul (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen Zum Neuen Testament) |
600 |
2014 |
Longenecker, Bruce W.; Still, Todd D. |
Thinking through Paul: A Survey of His Life, Letters, and Theology |
416 |
2014 |
Carson, D. A. |
Praying with Paul: A Call to Spiritual Reformation |
240 |
2015 |
eds. Harmon, Matthew S.; Smith, Jay E. |
Studies in the Pauline Epistles: Essays in Honor of Douglas J. Moo |
320 |
2014 |
Litfin, A. Duane |
Paul's Theology of Preaching: The Apostle's Challenge to the Art of Persuasion in Ancient Corinth |
400 |
2015 |
Briones, David E. |
Paul's Financial Policy: A Socio-Theological Approach |
272 |
2015 |
Last, Richard |
The Pauline Church and the Corinthian Ekklēsia: Greco-Roman Associations in Comparative Context |
2015 |
Childs, Brevard S. |
The Church's Guide for Reading Paul: The Canonical Shaping of the Pauline Corpus |
288 |
2008 |
Thornhill, A. Chadwick |
The Chosen People: Election, Paul and Second Temple Judaism |
336 |
2015 |
Dunn, James D. G.; Cohick, Lynn H.; Longenecker, Bruce W.; Mitchel, Patrick; Gombis, Timothy G.; McKnight, Scot; Leach, Tara Beth; Wright, N. T. |
The Apostle Paul and the Christian Life: Ethical and Missional Implications of the New Perspective |
240 |
2016 |
Davies, Jamie P. |
Paul Among the Apocalypses?: An Evaluation of the ‘Apocalyptic Paul’ in the Context of Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic Literature |
240 |
2016 |
Wiarda, Timothy |
Spirit and Word: Dual Testimony in Paul, John and Luke |
272 |
2016 |
Reece, Steve |
Paul's Large Letters: Paul's Autographic Subscription in the Light of Ancient Epistolary Conventions |
256 |
2016 |
Tofighi, Fatima |
Paul's Letters and the Construction of the European Self |
192 |
2017 |
Anderson, Garwood P. |
Paul's New Perspective: Charting a Soteriological Journey |
441 |
2016 |
Gray, Patrick |
Opening Paul's Letters: A Reader’s Guide to Genre and Interpretation |
192 |
2012 |
Kierspel, Lars |
Charts on the Life, Letters, and Theology of Paul |
288 |
2012 |
Bird, Michael F. |
An Anomalous Jew: Paul among Jews, Greeks, and Romans |
322 |
2016 |
Sanders, E. P. |
Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People |
240 |
1983 |
Sanders, E. P. |
Paul: The Apostle's Life, Letters, and Thought |
898 |
2015 |
eds. Heilig, Christoph; Hewitt, J. Thomas; Bird, Michael F. |
God and the Faithfulness of Paul |
842 |
2017 |
Huttunen, Niko; Thorsteinsson, Runar M.; Pitts, Andrew W.; Ajluni, Bahij; Briones, David E.; Gupta, Nijay K.; McFarland, Orrey; Buch-Hansen, Gitte; Worthington, Jonathan; Brookins, Timothy A.; Dodson, Joseph R.; Tabb, Brian J.; Nygaard, Matthias; Pierce, Madison N. |
Paul and the Greco-Roman Philosophical Tradition |
288 |
2017 |
Twelftree, Graham H. |
Paul and the Miraculous: A Historical Reconstruction |
416 |
2013 |
Lakey, Michael |
The Ritual World of Paul the Apostle: Metaphysics, Community and Symbol in 1 Corinthians 11. 17-34 |
224 |
2018 |
Bartsch, H. W.; Birdsall, J. N.; Brooks, Oscar C.; Campbell, D. H.; Campbell, William S.; Crockett, William V.; Ellingworth, Paul; Fenton, John C.; Francis, J.; Gibbs, J. M.; Hall, S. G.; Hickling, C. J. A.; Holdsworth, John; Kehnscherper, Gunther; Laws, Sophie; MacArthur, S. D.; Mackay, T. W.; Moreton, M. B.; Nissen, Johannes; Quinn, Jerome D.; Räisänen, Heikki; Ries, Julien; Smalley, Stephen S.; Stanton, Graham N.; Tanner, R. G.; van Daalen, D. H.; Vincent, J. J.; Walker, Joan Hazelden; Wedderburn, Alexander J. M.; Wilhelm-Hooijbergh, Ann E.; Williamson, Rick; Witt, Rush; Wright, N. T.; Yates, Roy |
Studia Biblica 1978. III Papers on Paul and Other New Testament Authors |
468 |
1980 |
Pobee, John S. |
Persecution and Martyrdom in the Theology of Paul |
1984 |
Calvert-Koyzis, Nancy |
Paul, Monotheism and the People of God: The Significance of Abraham Traditions for Early Judaism and Christianity |
224 |
2004 |
Hanson, Anthony T. |
The Paradox of the Cross in the Thought of St Paul |
214 |
1987 |
Kreitzer, Larry J. |
Jesus and God in Paul's Eschatology |
304 |
2015 |
Fowl, Stephen E. |
The Story of Christ in the Ethics of Paul: An Analysis of the Function of the Hymnic Material in the Pauline Corpus |
240 |
1990 |
eds. Wedderburn, Alexander J. M. |
Paul and Jesus: Collected Essays |
204 |
2004 |
Räisänen, Heikki |
Jesus, Paul and Torah: Collected Essays |
304 |
2015 |
Schutz, John Howard |
Paul and the Anatomy of Apostolic Authority |
307 |
1975 |
Munro, Winsome |
Authority in Paul and Peter: The Identification of a Pastoral Stratum in the Pauline Corpus and 1 Peter |
226 |
1983 |
Vielhauer, Philipp; Flichy, Odile; Hays, Richard B.; Wolter, Michael; Marguerat, Daniel; Mount, Christopher; Moessner, David P.; Butticaz, Simon; Pervo, Richard I.; Brookins, Timothy A.; Parsons, Mikeal C.; Reynolds, Peter; Schröter, Jens; Sterling, Gregory E.; Dettwiler, Andreas; Clivaz, Claire; Redalie, Yann; Landolt, Jean-Francois |
Paul and the Heritage of Israel: Paul's Claim upon Israel's Legacy in Luke and Acts in the Light of the Pauline Letters |
400 |
2012 |
Ambrose, Kimberly |
Jew Among Jews: Rehabilitating Paul |
234 |
2015 |
eds. Campbell, Constantine R.; Vanhoozer, Kevin J.; Thate, Michael J. |
In Christ in Paul: Explorations in Paul's Theology of Union and Participation |
2018 |
Capes, David B. |
The Divine Christ: Paul, the Lord Jesus, and the Scriptures of Israel |
224 |
2018 |
Wasserman, Emma |
Apocalypse as Holy War: Divine Politics and Polemics in the Letters of Paul |
336 |
2018 |
Oliver, Isaac W.; Thiessen, Matthew; Campbell, William S.; Noffke, Eric; Petersen, Anders Klostergaard; Waddell, James A.; Ehrensperger, Kathy; Sim, David C.; Bazzana, Giovanni B.; Willitts, Joel; Charlesworth, James H.; Carras, George; Rudolph, David J.; Lieu, Judith M.; Ramelli, Ilaria L. E.; Nienhuis, David R.; White, Benjamin G.; Gelardini, Gabriella; Downs, David; Maier, Harry O. |
The Early Reception of Paul the Second Temple Jew: Text, Narrative and Reception History |
320 |
2018 |
Fee, Gordon D. |
Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle: A Concise Introduction |
224 |
2018 |
Taylor, Nicholas |
Paul, Antioch and Jerusalem: A Study in Relationships and Authority in Earliest Christianity |
271 |
1992 |
Evans, Craig A.; Davies, W. D.; Hays, Richard B.; Sanders, James A.; Green, William Scott; Beker, Johan Christiaan; Stanley, Christopher D.; Stockhausen, Carol K.; Belleville, Linda L.; Scott, James M.; Calvert-Koyzis, Nancy; Brown, Stephen G. |
Paul and the Scriptures of Israel |
304 |
2015 |
Richardson, Neil |
Paul's Language about God |
371 |
1994 |
Chester, Stephen J. |
Reading Paul with the Reformers: Reconciling Old and New Perspectives |
500 |
2017 |
Jervis, L. Ann; Hurd, John C.; Mitchell, Margaret M.; Richardson, Peter; Fee, Gordon D.; Belleville, Linda L.; Donaldson, Terence L.; Hansen, G. Walter; Hughes, Frank W.; Wright, N. T.; Jewett, Robert; Mason, Steve; Snodgrass, Klyne; Campbell, Douglas A.; Weima, Jeffrey A. D.; Dunn, James D. G. |
Gospel in Paul: Studies on Corinthians, Galatians and Romans for Richard N. Longenecker |
412 |
1994 |
Jervis, L. Ann |
God's obedient Messiah and the end of the law: Richard N. Longenecker's understanding of Paul's gospel |
412 |
1994 |
Hurd, John C. |
Good news and the integrity of 1 Corinthians |
412 |
1994 |
Mitchell, Margaret M. |
Rhetorical shorthand in Pauline argumentation : the functions of "the gospel" in the Corinthian correspondence |
412 |
1994 |
Richardson, Peter |
Temples, altars and living from the gospel (1 Cor. 9.12b-18) |
412 |
1994 |
Fee, Gordon D. |
"Another gospel which you did not embrace" : 2 Corinthians 11.4 and the theology of 1 and 2 Corinthians |
412 |
1994 |
Belleville, Linda L. |
Gospel and kerygma in 2 Corinthians |
412 |
1994 |
Donaldson, Terence L. |
"The gospel that I proclaim among the Gentiles" (Gal. 2.2) : universalistic or Israel-centred? |
412 |
1994 |
Hansen, G. Walter |
A paradigm of the apocalypse : the gospel in the light of epistolary analysis |
412 |
1994 |
Hughes, Frank W. |
The gospel and its rhetoric in Galatians |
412 |
1994 |
Wright, N. T. |
Gospel and theology in Galatians |
412 |
1994 |
Jewett, Robert |
Gospel and commensality : social and theological implications of Galatians 2.14 |
412 |
1994 |
Mason, Steve |
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel (Rom. 1.16) : the gospel and the first readers of Romans |
412 |
1994 |
Snodgrass, Klyne |
The gospel in Romans : a theology of revelation |
412 |
1994 |
Campbell, Douglas A. |
Determining the gospel through rhetorical analysis in Paul's letter to the Roman Christians |
412 |
1994 |
Weima, Jeffrey A. D. |
Preaching the gospel in Rome : a study of the epistolary framework of Romans |
412 |
1994 |
Dunn, James D. G. |
How new was Paul's gospel? : the problem of continuity and discontinuity |
412 |
1994 |
Thomson, Ian H. |
Chiasmus in the Pauline Letters |
253 |
1995 |
Matlock, R. Barry |
Unveiling the Apocalyptic Paul: Paul's Interpreters and the Rhetoric of Criticism |
361 |
1996 |
McLean, Bradley H. |
The Cursed Christ: Mediterranean Expulsion Rituals and Pauline Soteriology |
263 |
1996 |
Wansink, Craig |
Chained in Christ: The Experience and Rhetoric of Paul's Imprisonments |
239 |
1996 |
Dodd, Brian J. |
Paul's Paradigmatic "I": Personal Example as Literary Strategy |
288 |
1999 |
Keesmaat, Sylvia C. |
Paul and his Story: (Re)Interpreting the Exodus Tradition |
289 |
1999 |
Tofighi, Fatima |
Paul's Letters and the Construction of the European Self |
192 |
2017 |
Sumney, Jerry L. |
Servants of Satan, False Brothers, and Other Opponents of Paul |
360 |
1999 |
Blumenfeld, Bruno |
The Political Paul: Democracy and Kingship in Paul's Thought |
514 |
2003 |
Walker Jr., William |
Interpolations in the Pauline Letters |
233 |
2002 |
Räisänen, Heikki; Bell, Richard H.; Jewett, Robert; Thrall, Margaret E.; Wischmeyer, Oda; Klein, Hans; Hoegen-Rohls, Christian; Hahn, Ferdinand; Aune, David E.; Moessner, David P.; Porter, Stanley E.; Wolff, Christian; Bauckham, Richard J.; Kuhn, Heinz-Wolfgang; Dunn, James D. G. |
Paul, Luke and the Graeco-Roman World: Essays in Honour of Alexander J.M. Wedderburn |
314 |
2003 |
Hopper, David H.; Elliott, Neil; Richardson, Peter; Aune, David E.; Scroggs, Robin; Furnish, Victor Paul; Gaston, Lloyd; Kraftchick, Steven J.; Reasoner, Mark; Overman, Andrew; Bassler, Jouette M.; Boyarin, Daniel; Morgan, Robert C. |
Pauline Conversations in Context: Essays in Honor of Calvin J. Roetzel |
312 |
2002 |
Barr, George |
Scalometry and the Pauline Epistles |
192 |
2004 |
Aasgaard, Reider |
My Beloved Brothers and Sisters: Christian Siblingship in Paul |
400 |
2004 |
Kim, Jung Hoon |
The Significance of Clothing Imagery in the Pauline Corpus |
288 |
2004 |
Campbell, Douglas A. |
The Quest for Paul's Gospel |
304 |
2005 |
Lewis, John G. |
Looking for Life: The Role of 'Theo-Ethical Reasoning' in Paul's Religion |
320 |
2005 |
Beattie, Gillian |
Women and Marriage in Paul and His Early Interpreters |
194 |
2005 |
Debanne, Marc J. |
Enthymemes in the Letters of Paul |
312 |
2006 |
Samra, James G. |
Being Conformed to Christ in Community: A Study of Maturity, Maturation and the Local Church in the Undisputed Pauline Epistles |
280 |
2006 |
Campbell, William S. |
Paul and the Creation of Christian Identity |
218 |
2006 |
Ehrensperger, Kathy |
Paul and the Dynamics of Power: Communication and Interaction in the Early Christ-Movement |
250 |
2007 |
Sechrest, Love L. |
A Former Jew: Paul and the dialectics of race |
288 |
2010 |
Boccaccini, Gabriele; Alexander, Philip S.; Avemarie, Friedrich; Westerholm, Stephen; Watson, Francis; Engberg-Pedersen, Troels; Barclay, John M. G.; Gathercole, Simon J.; Martyn, J. Louis |
Divine and Human Agency in Paul and his Cultural Environment |
224 |
2007 |
Ellis, J. Edward |
Paul and Ancient Views of Sexual Desire: Paul's Sexual Ethics in 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 7 and Romans 1 |
206 |
2007 |
Westerholm, Stephen; Räisänen, Heikki; Laato, Timo; Huttunen, Niko; Saarinen, Risto; Aejmelaeus, Lars; Pehkonen, Nina; Linko, Jaakko; Liljeström, Kenneth; Thurén, Lauri; Hietanen, Mika; Mustakallio, Antti |
The Nordic Paul: Finnish Approaches to Pauline Theology |
264 |
2008 |
Leonhardt-Balzer, Jutta; Breytenbach, Ciliers; Ham, Clay Alan; van de Sandt, F.; Menken, Maarten J. J.; Moyise, Steve P.; Gheorghiță, Radu; Jobes, Karen H.; Jauhiainen, Marko |
The Minor Prophets in the New Testament |
192 |
2009 |
Huttunen, Niko |
Paul and Epictetus on Law: A Comparison |
208 |
2009 |
Crossley, James G.; Willitts, Joel; Foster, Paul; Morlan, David S.; Porter, Stanley E.; Harding, Mark; Kruse, Colin G.; Skinner, Christopher W.; Jipp, Joshua W. |
Paul and the Gospels: Christologies, Conflicts and Convergences |
288 |
2011 |
Porter, Stanley E.; Smith, Carl; Holmes, Michael W.; Bird, Michael F.; Still, Todd D.; Foster, Paul; Perrin, Nicholas; Willitts, Joel; Gregory, Andrew; Blackwell, Ben C.; Bain, Andrew M.; Hogan, Pauline Nigh; Elliot, Mark W. |
Paul and the Second Century |
288 |
2011 |
McGrath, James F.; Wright, Stephen I.; Kanagaraj, Jey J.; Christiansen, Ellen Juhl; Twelftree, Graham H.; Bond, Helen K.; Zwiep, Arie W.; Martin C. Scott, J.; Gathercole, Simon J.; Schenck, Kenneth L.; Robertson, C. K.; Oropeza, B. J.; Mohrmann, Douglas C.; Garlington, Donald; Lo, Lung-kwong; Bevere, Allan R.; Byron, John |
Jesus and Paul: Global Perspectives in Honour of James D. G. Dunn. A festschrift for his 70th Birthday |
272 |
2010 |
Kim, Seyoon; Thompson, James W.; Miller, James C.; Gibson, Richard J.; Gaventa, Beverly Roberts; Hays, J. Daniel; Adewuya, J. Ayodeji; Barnett, Paul W.; Hultgren, Arland J.; Sandnes, Karl Olav; Burke, Trevor J.; Rosner, Brian S.; Porter, Stanley E.; Ciampa, Roy E.; Campbell, William S.; Ware, James P.; Walton, Steve John; Barram, Michael; Richards, E. Randolph |
Paul as Missionary: Identity, Activity, Theology, and Practice |
288 |
2011 |
Stegemann, Ekkehard W.; Jewett, Robert; Elliott, Neil; Nanos, Mark D.; Rock, Ian E.; Ehrensperger, Kathy; Roetzel, Calvin J.; Brawley, Robert L.; Sumney, Jerry L.; Tucker, J. Brian; Lim, Kar Yong; Patte, Daniel M.; Donaldson, Terence L.; Zetterholm, Magnus |
Reading Paul in Context: Explorations in Identity Formation: Essays in Honour of William S. Campbell |
288 |
2010 |
Norton, Jonathan D. H. |
Contours in the Text: Textual Variation in the Writings of Paul, Josephus and the Yahad |
224 |
2011 |
Bieringer, Reimund; Pollefeyt, Didier; Bird, Michael F.; Campbell, William S.; Blanton, Thomas R.; Bachmann, Michael; Nanos, Mark D.; Cunningham, Philip A.; Pawlikowski, John T.; Sander, Hans-Joachim; Henrix, Hans-Herman; Dunn, James D. G. |
Paul and Judaism: Crosscurrents in Pauline Exegesis and the Study of Jewish-Christian Relations |
272 |
2012 |
Morlan, David S. |
Conversion in Luke and Paul: An Exegetical and Theological Exploration |
224 |
2013 |
Ware, James P. |
Paul’s Theology in Context: Creation, Incarnation, Covenant, and Kingdom |
264 |
2019 |
Horrell, David G. |
The Making of Christian Morality: Reading Paul in Ancient and Modern Contexts |
328 |
2019 |
Blackwell, Ben C.; Goodrich, John K.; Maston, Jason; Shaw, David A.; de Boer, Martinus C.; Campbell, Douglas A.; Humphrey, Edith M.; Wright, N. T.; Stuckenbruck, Loren T.; Dodson, Joseph R.; Ziegler, Philip G.; Linebaugh, Jonathan A.; Gaventa, Beverly Roberts; Barclay, John M. G.; Gorman, Michael J.; Davies, Jamie P. |
Paul and the Apocalyptic Imagination |
488 |
2016 |
Pitre, Brant; Barber, Michael P.; Kincaid, John A. |
Paul, a New Covenant Jew: Rethinking Pauline Theology |
304 |
2019 |
Banks, Robert J. |
Paul's Idea of Community: Spirit and Culture in Early House Churches |
240 |
2020 |
Sprinkle, Preston M. |
Paul and Judaism Revisited: A Study of Divine and Human Agency in Salvation |
256 |
2013 |
Boyarin, Daniel |
A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identity |
400 |
1997 |
Hunter, Archibald M. |
Paul and His Predecessors |
1961 |
Boring, M. Eugene |
Hearing Paul’s Voice: Insights for Teaching and Preaching |
256 |
2020 |
eds. McKnight, Scot |
Perspectives on Paul: Five Views |
304 |
2020 |
Harvey, John D. |
Interpreting the Pauline Letters: An Exegetical Handbook |
224 |
2012 |
Barclay, John M. G. |
Paul and the Power of Grace |
200 |
2020 |
Moo, Douglas J. |
A Theology of Paul and His Letters: The Gift of the New Realm in Christ |
768 |
2021 |
eds. Mitchell, Margaret M. |
John Chrysostom on Paul: Praises and Problem Passages |
882 |
2022 |
eds. Goh, Menghun |
Pauline Letters: Texts @ Contexts |
255 |
2024 |