The Divine Christ: Paul, the Lord Jesus, and the Scriptures of Israel
in Acadia Studies in Bible and Theology
Baker Academic
For the past century, scholars have debated when and how a divine Christology emerged. This book considers the earliest evidence we have, the letters of Paul. David Capes, a veteran teacher and highly regarded scholar, examines Paul's letters to show how the apostle constructed his unique portrait of Jesus as divine through a rereading of Israel's Scriptures. This volume is ideal for courses on Paul, Christology, biblical theology, and intertextuality.
- Contents
- 1."Lord" and "Lord" in the Bible
- 2. Kyrios/Lord as a Christological Title
- 3. Jesus as Kyrios in Paul's Letters
- 4. YHWH Texts with God as Referent
- 5. YHWH Texts with Jesus as Referent
- 6. Pauline Exegesis and a High Christology
- Conclusion
- Indexes