Galatians and Christian Theology: Justification, the Gospel, and Ethics in Paul's Letter
Baker Academic
The letter to the Galatians is a key source for Pauline theology as it presents Paul's understanding of justification, the gospel, and many topics of keen contemporary interest. In this volume, some of the world's top Christian scholars offer cutting-edge scholarship on how Galatians relates to theology and ethics.
The stellar list of contributors includes John Barclay, Beverly Gaventa, Richard Hays, Bruce McCormack, and Oliver O'Donovan. As they emphasize the contribution of Galatians to Christian theology and ethics, the contributors explore how exegesis and theology meet, critique, and inform each other.
Part 1: Justification
1. Messiahship in Galatians? N. T. Wright
2. Paul's Former Occupation in Ioudaismos Matthew V. Novenson
3. Galatians in the Early Church: Five Case Studies Karla Pollmann and Mark W. Elliott
4. Justification and Participation: Ecumenical Dimensions of Galatians Thomas Söding
5. Arguing with Scripture in Galatia: Galatians 3:10-14 as a Series of Ad Hoc Arguments Timothy G. Gombis
6. Martin Luther on Galatians 3:6-14: Justification by Curses and Blessings Timothy Wengert
7. Yaein: Yes and No to Luther's Reading of Galatians 3:6-14 Scott Hafemann
8. "Not an Idle Quality or an Empty Husk in the Heart": A Critique of Tuomo Mannermaa on Luther and Galatians Javier A. Garcia
9. Judaism, Reformation Theology, and Justification Mark W. Elliott
10. Can We Still Speak of "Justification by Faith"? An In-House Debate with Apocalyptic Readings of Paul Bruce McCormack
Part 2: Gospel
11. The Singularity of the Gospel Revisited Beverly Roberts Gaventa
12. Apocalyptic Poiēsis in Galatians: Paternity, Passion, and Participation Richard B. Hays
13. "Now and Above; Then and Now" (Gal. 4:21-31): Platonizing and Apocalyptic Polarities in Paul's Eschatology Michael B. Cover
14. Christ in Paul's Narrative: Salvation History, Apocalyptic Invasion, and Supralapsarian Theology Edwin Chr. van Driel
15. "In the Fullness of Time" (Gal. 4:4): Chronology and Theology in Galatians Todd D. Still
16. Karl Barth and "The Fullness of Time": Eternity and Divine Intent in the Epistle to the Galatians Darren O. Sumner
17. "Heirs through God": Galatians 4:4-7 and the Doctrine of the Trinity Scott R. Swain
Part 3: Ethics
18. Flesh and Spirit Oliver O'Donovan
19. "Indicative and Imperative" as the Substructure of Paul's Theology-and-Ethics in Galatians?: A Discussion of Divine and Human Agency in Paul Volker Rabens
20. Grace and the Countercultural Reckoning of Worth: Community Construction in Galatians 5-6 John M. G. Barclay
21. Paul's Exhortations in Galatians 5:16-25: From the Apostle's Techniques to His Theology Jean-Noël Aletti
22. The Drama of Agency: Affective Augustinianism and Galatians Simeon Zahl
23. Life in the Spirit and Life in Wisdom: Reading Galatians and James as a Dialogue Mariam J. Kamell