Commentaries on 1 & 2 Kings
A list of the best commentaries on 1 & 2 Kings ranked by scholars, journal reviws, and site users. You can find the best commentary on 1 & 2 Kings for you using the tools on the right side.
Top 3
1 & 2 Kings. UBOT. Hendrickson, 1995.

Crux Sola (Nijay Gupta's Blog)
This is my most frequently recommended commentary for preachers and teachers. more

In the limited space this series offers, Provan has judiciously selected and commented on the most pertinent textual and theological issues arising in Kings. more

Tim Challies
Provan receives the only 5-star recommendation from Tremper Longman who says, “The writing is accessible, and the emphasis is on literary and theological issues, though the notes also address particular exegetical issues. more

I Kings. AYB. Yale University Press, 2001.

The Gospel Coalition
These commentaries are strong because of Cogan’s and Tadmor’s familiarity with Syrian/Mesopotamian/Egyptian historical contexts. more

Crux Sola (Nijay Gupta's Blog)
Cogan and Tadmor have expertise in Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern History. more

A.E. Carnehl
Cogan's work pays careful attention to the 1 Kings text and is probably the best technical commentary in English on the book to date. more

Tim Challies
Cogan and Tadmore together wrote the volume on 2 Kings; a decade later Cogan alone produced the volume on 1 Kings. more

Ligonier Ministries (Keith A. Mathison)
Cogan and Tadmor co-wrote the volume on 2 Kings in 1988. more
1, 2 Kings. NAC. Broadman & Holman, 1995.

First Last
I absolutely love the NAC series, but House's commentary on First and Second Kings was poor. more

Tim Challies
House’s commentary is widely praised and finds its way onto almost every one of the experts’ lists. more

Ligonier Ministries (Keith A. Mathison)
One of the best intermediate level commentaries on the books of 1 & 2 Kings is the commentary by Paul R. more
All Commentaries on 1 & 2 Kings
Forthcoming Commentaries
Year | Author | Title | Series |
forthcoming 2025 | Dharamraj, Havilah | 1 and 2 Kings | Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries |
forthcoming | Aucker, W. Brian | 1 Kings | Pillar Old Testament Commentary |
forthcoming | Aucker, W. Brian | 2 Kings | Pillar Old Testament Commentary |
forthcoming | Hasegawa, Shūichi | 2 Kings 17–25 | International Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament |
forthcoming | Hess, Richard S. | The First Book of Kings | New International Commentary on the Old Testament |
forthcoming | Hess, Richard S. | The Second Book of Kings | New International Commentary on the Old Testament |
forthcoming | Hoyt, JoAnna M. | 1 and 2 Kings | Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament |
forthcoming | Kalimi, Isaac | 2 Kings | Historical Commentary on the Old Testament |
forthcoming | Lee, Boyung | 1 and 2 Kings | Belief: Theological Commentary on the Bible |
forthcoming | Melanchthon, Monica Jyotsna | 1 Kings | Wisdom Commentary Series |
forthcoming | Robker, Jonathan M. | 1 Kings 1–15 | International Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament |
forthcoming | Roux, Jurie le | 1 Kings, Volume 2: Chapters 12–22 | Historical Commentary on the Old Testament |
forthcoming | Schreiner, David B. | 1 and 2 Kings | Bible in God's World Commentary |
forthcoming | Wadholm Jr., Rick | 1 Kings | Pentecostal Commentary |
forthcoming | Wilson, Robert R. | 1 and 2 Kings | Hermeneia |