Evangelical Exegetical Commentary

The Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (EEC) is a new multi-volume commentary series that will cover all sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments. Each volume incorporates the latest critical biblical scholarship and is written from a distinctly evangelical perspective.

Series Distinctives:
  • Comprehensive without compromise. The EEC goes into astonishing depth, addressing exegetical, pastoral, and theological details to give readers a full understanding of the text.
  • Distinctly evangelical perspective. The volumes reflect a serious commitment to the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures.
  • Rooted in the original text. The volumes contain commentary developed primarily from a close reading of the text in its original language.
  • Reflects the latest critical scholarship. The volumes engage current scholarship in a fair and accurate manner.
  • Investigates the original context. The volumes examine the relevant biblical text within their historical, literary, and cultural contexts.
  • Fosters a canonical reading of Scripture. The volumes contain rich commentary on biblical theology as well as devotional insights.
See also the series website and the Lexham product page listing published and forthcoming volumes.
General Editor: Tremper Longman III

Old Testament Editor: David T. Lamb
Assistant Old Testament Editor: JoAnna M. Hoyt

New Testament Editor: Andreas J. Köstenberger
Assistant New Testament Editor: Benjamin L. Gladd



Year Author Title Series
forthcoming 2029 Lamb, David T. Genesis Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Goldingay, John Leviticus Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Fullilove, William Numbers Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Josberger, Rebekah Deuteronomy Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Hawkins, Ralph K. Joshua Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Hawanchak, Alison Judges Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Hamley, Isabelle M. Ruth Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Johnson, Benjamin 1 and 2 Chronicles Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming 2028 Abernethy, Andrew T.; Backfish, Elizabeth H. P. Psalms 1–72 Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming 2030 Abernethy, Andrew T.; Backfish, Elizabeth H. P. Psalms 73–150 Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Estelle, Bryan D. Proverbs Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Hernández, Dominick S. Ecclesiastes Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Roberts, Megan; Foth, Kevin Isaiah Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Lindo, Ron Jeremiah Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming 2026 Goldingay, John Ezekiel Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Bass, Derek Hosea, Joel, Obadiah Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Jones, Jordan W. Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Firth, David G. Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Gladd, Benjamin L. Mark Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Orr, Peter Luke Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Köstenberger, Andreas J. John Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Kellum, Scott Acts Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Das, A. Andrew Romans Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Weima, Jeffrey A. D. 1 Corinthians Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Briones, David E. 2 Corinthians Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Ehorn, Seth M. Colossians Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Stanley, Steve 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Fanning, Buist M. Hebrews Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Crowe, Brandon D. James Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Glenny, W. Edward 1 Peter Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Stewart, Alexander E. 2 Peter Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
forthcoming Tabb, Brian J. Revelation Evangelical Exegetical Commentary