

in Evangelical Exegetical Commentary

by J. Paul Tanner

4.82 Rank Score: 5.42 from 11 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Pages 864
Publisher Lexham Press
Published 3/5/2020
ISBN-13 9781683593096
In this volume from the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary, Paul Tanner argues that the book of Daniel is the Old Testament blueprint of the Bible's overarching eschatological narrative. Tanner examines key aspects of the book of Daniel such as the revelation of Israel's future in relation to gentile kingdoms, God's exaltation of Daniel as a channel through whom he reveals his will and God's sovereign control of the nations under whom Israel is being disciplined. Tanner provides exegetical insight to help readers better understand not only how God worked in Israel's history through Daniel, but how he sovereignly directs all of world history—for all time.


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Gerben van der Leun Gerben van der Leun April 17, 2024
Title: A Comprehensive Study of Daniel Daniel by J. Paul Tanner (2020, Lexham Academic) is a remarkable scholarly work that delves deeply into the complexities of the book of Daniel. From its thorough analysis to its extensive scripture index, this book is a treasure trove of insights for anyone seeking to understand the prophetic and historical aspects of Daniel. One of the standout features of Tanner's book is its thoroughness. Each chapter is meticulously researched and presented in a clear and accessible manner, making it suitable for both academics and lay readers. Tanner's attention to detail ensures that every aspect of Daniel is carefully examined, from its historical context to its prophetic significance. The scripture index alone is a testament to the depth of Tanner's study. Spanning 23 pages, it contains references to Bible verses from both the Old and New Testaments that are related to Daniel. This comprehensive index not only highlights the interconnectedness of Scripture but also serves as a valuable resource for further study and exploration. Furthermore, Tanner's insights into the book of Daniel are enlightening and thought-provoking. He unpacks the symbolism and imagery found throughout the book, providing readers with a deeper understanding of its meaning and significance. Whether discussing the visions of Daniel or the historical events surrounding them, Tanner's analysis is both insightful and engaging. In conclusion, Daniel by J. Paul Tanner is a commendable work that offers a thorough and insightful examination of one of the most intriguing books of the Bible. Its comprehensive approach, combined with Tanner's scholarly expertise, makes it an invaluable resource for anyone interested in studying the book of Daniel in depth.
RickJ RickJ May 3, 2023
One of the best commentaries I've read on any book of the Bible. Comprehensive, well-written, focused, insightful, and everything else a commentary should be. I hope Tanner writes more works like this in the future. The book is outstanding.
This conservative commentary is not only scholarly, but provides a nice blend of well-researched, detailed exegesis of the text along with practical applications and devotional implications. [Full Review]
Tanner’s volume is the first major evangelical commentary on Daniel in nearly fifteen years (since Steinmann, 2008) and the first new commentary on the book from a dispensational perspective in over thirty-five years ... Two strengths of the commentary merit mention. First, in the introduction Tanner ably addresses objections—historical, linguistic, theological, and literary—to the traditional date and authorship of Daniel, a section comprising thirty pages ... Second, Tanner thoroughly treats the manifold interpretive issues surrounding Daniel 9:24–27, in a section spanning seventy-two pages. There are few weaknesses in the commentary, relating mostly to format rather than content: an unfortunate typesetting problem obscures a chart on p. 764. The textual criticism notes are keyed to terms in the original text, but the original text has been left out, making it difficult to follow the argument. The lack of indentation in the footnotes makes them hard to distinguish. Some readers will quibble over Tanner’s non-Reformed soteriology that shows through at times. Additionally, some might wish for an expansion of his biblical theology correlations. On the whole, however, this reviewer highly commends the volume to readers. Tanner’s commentary notches first place in the recently updated (2022) DBTS recommended booklist for commentaries on Daniel and warrants a place on the bookshelf of every pastor, seminary student, or other believer who desires to enhance his grasp of this highly significant prophetical book.
RStrader RStrader December 29, 2021
Paul Tanner's commentary on Daniel is outstanding. Exhaustive, accessible and insightful. Tanner thoughtfully and fairly engages with the multitude of positions regarding authorship, date, historicity, language and textual difficulties. With skill and precision, Tanner interacts with the breadth of interpretive views and strategies while guiding the reader to sound exegetical conclusions. Convinced of 6th century BC Danielic authorship and the predictive nature of Daniel's prophecy, Tanner convincingly supports the claim that "Daniel is probably the most foundational book in the Old Testament for New Testament eschatology" (1). It is the exception when robust scholarship and engaging clarity walk hand in hand in such a commentary. Tanner's "Daniel" is certainly one of those exceptions. As a teaching pastor, I highly recommend this commentary and hope that it serves as a model for Old Testament, Evangelical scholarship in the days to come.
Phillip J. Long Phillip J. Long September 21, 2021
For some readers, Tanner’s dispensationalism and commitment to a traditional view of the authorship and date of the book will be enough to reject this commentary as serious scholarship. This would be a mistake. The extremely detailed footnotes on the text of Daniel concerning both textual criticism, lexical and transition translation history are incredibly valuable. The amount of detail on Hebrew and Aramaic syntax in the notes makes this one of the best exegetical commentaries available. The substance of Tanner’s commentary will valuable even if one disagrees with his conclusions. [Full Review]
GB GB September 17, 2021
It is hard to grasp the vast number of hours that Dr. Tanner has obviously spent prayerfully and carefully studying the Old Testament book of Daniel. Add to that the tremendous number of pages written by many current, past, and even ancient theologians that Dr Tanner has likewise studied. His commentary is insightful and practical for anyone who is serious about increasing their knowledge of what is contained in the book of Daniel. Readers can benefit greatly as they deepen their personal relationship with Christ. I absolutely recommend this book as the primary commentary to go to if a deeper understanding of Daniel is sought.
I found this commentary to be immensely helpful. While at 780 pages, it can be cumbersome, the writing style is remarkably fluid and well maintained throughout. Any scholar, Bible student, or pastor would be well served to own a copy of Tanner’s Daniel commentary. It may not be as straightforward as some would like, but it is a commentary that believes as it explains. In other words, the presuppositions are premillennial and the theological perspective is one of the inerrancy of Scripture. He takes a conservative position on the date and authorship of the book of Daniel, which is rare in most modern commentaries. Any serious Bible student would be impressed with Tanner’s treatment on the most difficult interpretation regarding the prophecy of the seventy weeks. His structure is also well done. Many commentaries on Daniel are judged based on the author’s prophetic opinions or presuppositions before they are ever read. I encourage readers of this review not to let that be an issue that prevents the acquisition of this fine work. [Full Review]
Drsloan Drsloan August 25, 2021
This is the best, most detailed commentary on Daniel that you will find. Dr. Tanner deals with every issue in such amazing detail. You will love this commentary.
Mjrini Mjrini July 30, 2021
Excellent, just excellent! Perhaps the Best commentary on the Book of Daniel ever written! I highly recommend this commentary!
Sergio Castrillón Sergio Castrillón January 8, 2021
This is an up-to-date premillennial interpretation of Daniel with ample interaction with scholarship and a bold defense of the 6th-century date. Even if one does not agree with everything he says, this is a mandatory commentary on any serious Daniel student's shelf.