Tim Elmore
Moody Handbook of Theology. Moody, 1989.
This is not a systematic theology, but is a "must have" for any student or pastor. The book handles theological definitions and trends in order to both understand their origin and their reasonable consequences. It is lightly Reformed, but, although often in a constructively critical manor, shares the views of other schools of thought. It functions as dictionary of Christian thought that offers a better understanding of 1. What theological schools teach. 2. Who contributed to the formations of and perpetuations of these schools. 3. What the reasonable consequences of such teachings have been or could prove to be. These are all valuable discussions that are brilliantly organized. Though it may be of little consequence, the dedication in the books revised edition is touching and impactful.
Christian Theology. Baker Academic, 1998.
This is a well organized and well written work. It has achieved the status of academic standard for many seminaries and universities. The theology expressed by Erickson is conservative and reformed. Of the work, J.I.Packer says, "Millard Erickson's Christian Theology has established itself as the most widely used and most generally useful of modern Protestant surveys of Christian truth." It is readable for beginning students, yet useful for seasoned theologians. This is a great first purchase for a pastoral library.