Ryan Adams

Ryan Adams

Second year student at Beeson Divinity School
Occupation Student



Jobes, Karen H. 1 Peter. BECNT. Baker Academic, 2005.
Ryan Adams Ryan Adams March 2, 2010
This is probably the best mid-level commentary on 1 Peter that is out today. Jobes does a great job of addressing the theology of the book as a whole and is thorough in her exegesis. The introduction material and especially her own scholarship on the Roman colonization theory to explain the audience is worth the price of the book itself. She also has a great appendix in the back dealing with the quality of Greek that is used in 1 Peter (she affirms Petrine authorship). If you are looking for something a bit more technical, I would go with Achetemeier or Michaels, but for the pastor, this would be my first choice.