1 Peter
1 Peter

1 Peter

in Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

by Karen H. Jobes

4.92 Rank Score: 7.38 from 17 reviews, 6 featured collections, and 36 user libraries
Pages 384
Publisher Baker Academic
Published 1/1/2005
ISBN-13 9780801026744


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AndrewKlein46 AndrewKlein46 April 16, 2024
PastorTimothy72 PastorTimothy72 July 27, 2021
I have become a collector of commentaries ever since my seminary days in the 1990s. As such, I am only going to recommend the best overall commentary for each book of the Bible on this site. While more on the technical side of things, Jobes' commentary will hold appeal to the preacher/teacher seeking a solid, exegetical understanding of 1 Peter, while also appealing some to the expositional side of things. (For both 1 and 2 Peter together, get Schreiner in the NAC series).
G Ware G Ware February 22, 2018
While I think very highly of Jobes, and this is a good commentary, I think it's a bit overrated, mainly because I find the BECNT format to be unhelpful, especially in this volume. I would rank it third among my 1 Peter commentaries, behind Marshall and Davids. That said, it's worth having, and is more current than other options.
Robert M. Bowman Jr. Robert M. Bowman Jr. December 10, 2016
Excellent commentary by an evangelical scholar whose work deserves to be better known. [Full Review]
Kevin Kevin October 21, 2016
An outstanding commentary that is engaging from a pastoral and technical perspective. The background and exegesis are effective in drawing out nuances without negatively recasting a simple reading of the epistle. I strongly suggest this for anyone who enjoys a more technical treatment and desires to dig into 1 Peter.
Tim Challies Tim Challies November 25, 2013
On par with Schreiner’s volume is Karen Jobes’ contribution to the Baker Exegetical Commentary series. It provides a good level of in-depth exegetical analysis but remains accessible to a general audience. It will prove a helpful resource to preachers, scholars and laypersons alike. [Full Review]
Phillip J. Long Phillip J. Long August 3, 2012
Jobes considers the question of whether the letter is addressed to Jews or Gentiles of no real consequence, although she argues at length that the letter is addressed to Jewish Christians who have moved into the regions listed in 1 Peter 1:1 by Roman colonization (or as a result of the Edit of Claudius). The colonization theory helps to explain some of the metaphors in the book, especially the motif of foreignness found in the letter (39-41). She accepts the traditional view that Peter is the author of the letter. Throughout the text of the commentary how Peter alludes constantly to the Hebrew Bible. The text of the commentary is less cluttered than others in the BENTC series, with Greek appearing in text with transliteration. All sources are cited in-text, only a few footnotes appear in the book. Textual critical issues are relegated to the “additional notes” at the end of each section. This ought to be a “first off the shelf” commentary for most pastors teaching through 1 Peter. [Full Review]
Russ Reaves Russ Reaves December 2, 2010
By far the most helpful commentary I used in preaching through 1 Peter. Her background information is beyond compare in any commentary I consulted. I would not have wanted to be without this volume in my research on 1 Peter.
Ryan Adams Ryan Adams March 2, 2010
This is probably the best mid-level commentary on 1 Peter that is out today. Jobes does a great job of addressing the theology of the book as a whole and is thorough in her exegesis. The introduction material and especially her own scholarship on the Roman colonization theory to explain the audience is worth the price of the book itself. She also has a great appendix in the back dealing with the quality of Greek that is used in 1 Peter (she affirms Petrine authorship). If you are looking for something a bit more technical, I would go with Achetemeier or Michaels, but for the pastor, this would be my first choice.
Those needing in-depth exegetical analysis will not want to pass up the BECNT volume on 1 Peter by Jobes. It is a good companion to the work mentioned above by Clowney. If you have a limited budget, pick up the volumes by Clowney and Jobes, and they will serve you well [Full Review]
John Glynn John Glynn September 20, 2008
University of San Francisco San Francisco, California The author, professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, offers a concise commentary on 1 Peter that is eminently suited for the series in which it appears. The series’ aim is to provide readers with “the latest scholarly research … in the context of a conservative theological tradition” and targets an audience of both scholars and general readers, especially those “involved in the preaching and exposition of the Scriptures” (ix). As a competent guide to the content and message of 1 Peter, the commentary is sure to win a wide circle of readers. Jobes, who has published only one article on 1 Peter prior to this commentary, relies extensively on the secondary (especially English-language) literature, reporting agreements and disagreements fairly and accurately and ably evaluating the strengths of alternate interpretations. At the same time, she sees her work making three distinctive contributions to 1 Peter scholarship (xi). These include (1) a new suggestion concerning the identity of the addressees (more on this below); (2) attention to the role that context plays in passages of the LXX selected for citation—in actuality more a development of observations made by others than an innovation; and (3) a new means for assessing the quality of the Greek of 1 Peter. [Full Review]