Occupation Pastor


Hughes, R. Kent. Hebrews: An Anchor for the Soul (2 volumes in 1). PtW. Crossway, 2015.
GCDP GCDP April 8, 2013
Though a decent work, it is very devotional in nature and I did not find it aided preaching a very theological book at all.
Kent, Jr., Homer A. The Epistle to the Hebrews. BMH Books, 1987.
GCDP GCDP April 8, 2013
My favorite commentary on Hebrews. Quick and to the point, he defends his positions well.
Kruse, Colin G. The Letters of John. PNTC. Eerdmans, 2000.
GCDP GCDP April 8, 2013
This and Stott are great for the Johannine epistles.