Daniel Ligon

Daniel Ligon


Murphy, Roland E. Ecclesiastes. WBC. Thomas Nelson, 1992.
Daniel Ligon Daniel Ligon December 30, 2019
While there is much to learn from Murphy's analysis of Ecclesiastes, I disagree with most of his major conclusions.
Longman III, Tremper. The Book of Ecclesiastes. NICOT. Eerdmans, 1997.
Daniel Ligon Daniel Ligon December 30, 2019
Longman's book is thorough and can be helpful in certain specifics, but I have major disagreements with Longman's overall pessimistic interpretation of Ecclesiastes. While I might consult this book for a confusing verse or passage, I wouldn't use it to shape my overall direction.
Bridges, Charles. Ecclesiastes. GEN. Banner of Truth, 1981.
Daniel Ligon Daniel Ligon December 30, 2019
While dated and more textual (less big picture)than I would prefer, I still greatly appreciate Bridges' optimistic view of the book, his obviously deep spirituality, and his high view of Scripture.
Estes, Daniel J. Handbook on the Wisdom Books and Psalms: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs. Baker Academic, 2010.
Daniel Ligon Daniel Ligon December 30, 2019
The section on Ecclesiastes is excellent and thorough, without being overly technical.