in Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
Designed for the pastor and Bible teacher, this series brings together commentary features rarely gathered together in one volume. Written by notable evangelical scholars, each volume in the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series treats the literary context and structure of the passage in the original Greek. The series consistently provides the main point, an exegetical outline, verse-by-verse commentary, and theology in application in each section of every commentary. Critical scholarship informs each step but does not dominate the commentary, allowing readers to concentrate on the biblical author's message as it unfolds. While primarily designed for those with a basic knowledge of biblical Greek, all who strive to understand and teach the New Testament will find these books beneficial. The ZECNT series covers the entire New Testament in twenty volumes; Clinton E. Arnold serves as general editor. In this volume, Thomas R. Schreiner offers pastors, students, and teachers a focused resource for reading Galatians. Through the use of graphic representations of translations, succinct summaries of main ideas, exegetical outlines and other features, Schreiner presents Paul's Epistle to the Galatians with precision and accuracy. Because of this series' focus on the textual structure of the scriptures, readers will better understand the literary elements of Galatians, comprehend the author's revolutionary goals, and ultimately discover their vital claims upon the church today.
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Basic Library Booklist by Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
- Recommended New Testament Commentaries for Evangelical Pastors by Thomas R. Schreiner
- TGC: Scholarly Commentaries by The Gospel Coalition
A prime example of how to write a commentary that will serve both pastors and scholars. This commentary engages the grammar, syntax, and rhetorical structure of the Greek text and helps readers to see Galatians in light of Paul’s broader theology. Schreiner also fully engages the critical debates about Galatians’ historical and contemporary significance. As Carson says, “It is simply written but enables pastors and students to see what the exegetical options are and to work through the Greek text without too much technical detail.”
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Excellent commentary. Love the ZECNT layout. Schreiner takes a Southern Galatian view on the timeline.
Schreiner provides a solid exegetical commentary that largely defends a traditional Reformed reading of the letter. The overview and summary provided for each major section is helpful, especially for preaching and teaching on Galatians, and Schreiner does a fine job of tracing the message of the letter as a whole. The commentary is also filled with biblical-theological insights—no doubt reflecting the fruits of the author's other scholarly labors, as Schreiner has previously published top-notch works in biblical theology of Paul, the New Testament, and the entire Christian canon.
I would just echo what has already been said positively already about this work, i.e. detail, clarity and up to date. Common sense judgements. Highlights the eschatological aspects of Paul's letter which is not to be overlooked. As far as being too "Lutheran"(previous reviewer), I can only imagine that this refers to his quotes from Luther in the theology in application section(?). I especially loved Schreiner's application myself.
This commentary series examines the Greek text closely; Schreiner affirms and defends a more traditional approach to Paul and the Law.
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Excellent evangelical commentary by the leading Southern Baptist Pauline scholar.
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In term of detail it's on par with Longenecker and surpassed only by Martyn. The strength of Schreiner's contribution lies in his detailed presentation of opposing view points (something he does well in his Roman's commentary. Where he does not excel, however is in his refutation of them. For example, Schreiner devotes more than a page to Sanders' and Dunn's understanding of works of the law and second temple Judaism. The summary is excellent. The problem is that he offers a two sentence dismissal that the situation is more varied than Sanders and Dunn allow and then comfortably unpacks his position with the NPP out of mind.
Overall I thought Schreiner's work on Galatians was good. He does take on board some of the advances that have come from a renewed study of Paul in light of second temple Judaism, particularly their identification of a/the major issue of the letter being the identity of the people of God. On some issues I found him to be far too "Lutheran" in his reading for my taste. Additionally, I did not feel that he utilized the unique ZECNT format as well as some other contributors to the series.
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Amidst all the new commentaries that have come out recently, this is the one that I have been oozing over. Schrenier is a great New testament Theologian, so I expected much. Well, he delivered. Schriener does a magnificent job with this commentary. It's exegetically faithful, works with the Greek while still being understandable by the layman and is very pastoral. Furthermore, Schriener holds to the original protestant position of justification. In short, buy this commentary now.
Zondervan have hit the nail on the head, Finally a commentary series that is helpful and user friendly on multiple levels. This new commentary by Schreiner will easily over take Bruce and Longenecker on this website as the best, once all the reviews are updated. Schreiner has written a wonderful commentary which is up to his normal standard. He deals with the Greek and gives some handy pastoral applications. He does not side with the new perspective and give many convincing reasons why. All through out the book you can see that he has thought heavily about every piece of text. He evaluates current opinions but always looks for the truth of the text (the original authors intent). If i can recommend one book on Galatians it would be this one.