1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians

in NIV Application Commentary

by Craig L. Blomberg

4.48 Rank Score: 5.72 from 8 reviews, 4 featured collections, and 14 user libraries
Pages 352
Publisher Zondervan
Published 1/1/1995
ISBN-13 9780310484905


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Nijay K. Gupta Nijay K. Gupta May 21, 2019
Blomberg is a widely respected exegete, especially as a Gospels scholar, but here he shows his ability to work skillfully in Paul. Perhaps his greatest asset in this volume is his well-balanced approach to various thorny theological issues and his ability to unpack complex issues simply and clearly. [Full Review]
MatthewD MatthewD April 23, 2019
Of the 3 years I have been using this site, I have always appreciated Graham Ware’s reviews. Over the past year, I have come to consider his reviews to be the most reliable on this site (besides the seminaries and scholars of course). To put it as plainly, I wouldn’t recommend this volume for purchase. The commentary on 1 Corinthians 15 is worth attention - as it on resurrection - and Blomberg has expertise in the Gospels (which deal with resurrection). Besides that, however, I think that Blomberg is better on the Gospels: I think that he has missed Paul badly in this commentary. Thiselton’s Shorter-Pastoral commentary is the first choice for application.
G Ware G Ware May 6, 2016
I wasn't thrilled with this one. Blomberg's work in the Gospels is solid and reliable, but this volume is not up to that standard. Perhaps it's simply because of the NIVAC format which some authors can work very with, while other scholars who typically produce top notch material can seem to struggle. The "original meaning" sections come up short on content. Given all the complexities of 1 Cor., more detail is needed. Sometimes brevity works, but in this case it doesn't.
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008