The Gospel of Luke
The Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of Luke

in New International Greek Testament Commentary

by I. Howard Marshall

4.51 Rank Score: 6.61 from 11 reviews, 6 featured collections, and 28 user libraries
Pages 936
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 1/1/1978
ISBN-13 9780802835123

The Gospel of Luke was written, says its author, as an historical account of the ministry of Jesus. Not only would it serve as the basis for a sound faith on the part of professing Christians, but it would also claim a place for Christianity in history. Christ's ministry, as Luke shows, is realized prophecy; it is that time during which God's promise of salvation was fulfilled. His teachings, healing, and acts of compassion are all part of the good news. In Luke's Gospel, Christ's message of salvation is directed to the weak, poor, and needy, with an emphasis on the importance of self-denial and of whole-hearted discipleship. Thus, while Luke is the most conscious historian of the Gospel writers, his history is a vehicle of theological interpretation in which the significance of Jesus is expressed.

In this commentary I. Howard Marshall calls attention to the theological message of Luke the Evangelist. His primary purpose is to exegete the text as it was written by Luke, so that the distinctiveness of Luke's Gospel may be seen.

Basing his commentary on the third edition of The Greek New Testament, Dr. Marshall also refers to many variant readings which are significant in this study. He provides fairly full information on the meanings of the Greek words used by Luke and shows which words and constructions occur frequently and are therefore characteristic of his style. It is by this meticulous analysis of the Greek that Luke's theological intentions can be objectively determined.


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Add Your Review

ThomasCreedy ThomasCreedy January 16, 2023
Though dating, it remains surprisingly readable for it's level (as long as you ignore the in-text citation/references).
ThomasCreedy ThomasCreedy January 16, 2023
Though dating, it remains surprisingly readable for it's level (as long as you ignore the in-text citation/references).
Abouna Ephraim Abouna Ephraim November 28, 2020
Phillip J. Long Phillip J. Long July 29, 2017
It is hard to believe that I am including this volume as a “classic,” but the fact is that it is already 34 years old! The commentary has very little introduction, Marshall simply tells the reader to read his Luke: Historian and Theologian (which was one of the first books I read on Luke and Acts when I was a undergraduate student). Marshall assumes that Luke used Mark although there is more skepticism for Q. In the body of the commentary he assumes Q’s existence frequently. Since this is a Greek text commentary, Greek words are given without transliteration. Marshall tends to be more interested in lexical matters than syntax. All sources are cited in-text (there is not a single footnote in the book), making for difficult reading at times. Marshall frequently makes used of rabbinic sources to illustrate the text, something which I appreciate although I wonder about the dating of the citations.
Tim Challies Tim Challies March 11, 2013
The NIGTC series is meant for scholars or for those with a significant grasp of Greek. While the experts commend this commentary, they do so with the caveat that it is dense and difficult, not only because of the use of Greek but also because the notes are incorporated right into the flow of the text. Keith Mathison says “Despite this very poor editorial choice, there is still a wealth of helpful material here for those willing to dig and use discernment.” [Full Review]
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008
Apparently in an attempt to make this commentary even more difficult to read than a NIGTC commentary normally is, the author incorporated all of his technical notes into the body of the text rather than using footnotes. Despite this very poor editorial choice, there is still a wealth of helpful material here for those willing to dig and use discernment. [Full Review]