1–2 Corinthians
1–2 Corinthians

1–2 Corinthians

in New Cambridge Bible Commentary

by Craig S. Keener

4.26 Rank Score: 5.04 from 7 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Pages 312
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Published 1/1/2005
ISBN-13 9780521542432


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The great benefit of Keener’s commentary is its lucidness. For the non-specialist, he simplifies complicated passages and arguments within 1 Corinthians. He also draws out the working of the Spirit with balance and grace—neither minimizing the Spirit’s charismatic-like working in Corinth, nor over-reading it for the non-Wesleyan or cessationist reader. [Full Review]
Nijay K. Gupta Nijay K. Gupta May 21, 2019
Keener offers his usual guidance to comparative ancient literature and weighs in (often briefly) on controversial theological matters. This volume covers both 1-2 Corinthians. [Full Review]
MatthewD MatthewD April 23, 2019
If, as I stated in my review of Fee, that commentaries should explain the text, then Keener’s work is more of a reference volume. This is why I deduct a star; for Keener’s work is less a commentary and more an encyclopedia. Nevertheless, we know that whatever Keener produces will be worthy of attention. This is then required reading for your 1 Corinthians studies. But if you are seeking an actual mid-level commentary, then Oropeza is recommended. Check out Keener when you can though!