1–2 Corinthians
in New Cambridge Bible Commentary
Cambridge University Press
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- TGC: Preaching Commentaries by The Gospel Coalition
The great benefit of Keener’s commentary is its lucidness. For the non-specialist, he simplifies complicated passages and arguments within 1 Corinthians. He also draws out the working of the Spirit with balance and grace—neither minimizing the Spirit’s charismatic-like working in Corinth, nor over-reading it for the non-Wesleyan or cessationist reader.
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Keener offers his usual guidance to comparative ancient literature and weighs in (often briefly) on controversial theological matters. This volume covers both 1-2 Corinthians.
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If, as I stated in my review of Fee, that commentaries should explain the text, then Keener’s work is more of a reference volume. This is why I deduct a star; for Keener’s work is less a commentary and more an encyclopedia. Nevertheless, we know that whatever Keener produces will be worthy of attention. This is then required reading for your 1 Corinthians studies. But if you are seeking an actual mid-level commentary, then Oropeza is recommended. Check out Keener when you can though!