The Message of Isaiah
InterVarsity Press
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Favorite Commentaries for Personal Study by Jeremy Pierce (parableman)
- Recommended OT Commentaries by Denver Seminary Journal
- Ultimate Commentary Collection: OT Expositional by John Glynn
- Commentaries I Would Not Do Without by R. Hansen
- Cambridge Chinese Christian: Recommended Commentaries by Calvin Cheah
Read Motyer's commentary along with this wonderful commentary by Webb. Combined with the Scripture and the Holy Spirit, both books profoundly impacted me. Highly recommend Webb's commentary. Get ready for a blessing! It is THAT good!
I always like to include at least one volume written for a general or devotional reader, and in this case, Webb’s is a good fit. Mathison says, “Those who are looking for a brief non-technical commentary on the book of Isaiah would do well to consider the volume by Barry Webb in the Bible Speaks Today series. Although the series does not give the space to go into great detail, Webb makes the most of it and offers very illuminating insight into the text.”
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Those who are looking for a brief non-technical commentary on the book of Isaiah would do well to consider the volume by Barry Webb in the Bible Speaks Today series. Although the series does not give the space to go into great detail, Webb makes the most of it and offers very illuminating insight into the text.
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Top scoring, finely organized, well written and useful commentary for this preacher. I am reading over a dozen and this is a joy and a great help. Used in conjunction with a technical commentary, you are well prepared to grasp the meaning of the text. (I appreciate most all of the BST series).
Evangelical exposition with an eye to literary structure, historical background, and broader canonical connections.
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