1 Corinthians
in Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
Baker Academic
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- First Commentary Set by Brian LeStourgeon
- Recommended NT Commentaries by Denver Seminary Journal
- D. A. Carson's Commentary "Best Buys" by D. A. Carson
- Ultimate Commentary Collection: NT Technical by John Glynn
- New Testament Advanced Commentaries by Moore Theological College Journal: Societas
- Basic Library Booklist by Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
- Building an NT Commentary Library by Invitation to Biblical Interpretation (Kostenberger & Patterson)
- Nijay Gupta's Top NT Commentaries by Nijay K. Gupta
- Recommended New Testament Commentaries for Evangelical Pastors by Thomas R. Schreiner
- TGC: Scholarly Commentaries by The Gospel Coalition
Garland’s introductions to each pericope give good insights on significant matters including definitions, passage structure, and text-critical issues. Within the comments on each passage, he draws out stylistic devices evident in the Greek text that aren’t necessarily evident in the English translations.
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Garland balances academic discussions, theological questions, and ministry application exquisitely. For the busy pastor who still wants an academic discussion, Garland is the best resource for reliable interpretation.
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I'm not a huge fan of the BECNT format, but I do generally appreciate Garland's commentary writing. This and his 2 Cor (NAC) and his best work, I think. This is not my favourite on 1 Cor (I prefer Fee, Hays, and Thiselton), but this is still very good, with more depth than most commentaries geared towards pastors. If you have to pick just one 1 Cor. commentary, pick Fee, but if you can expand your collection, this is certainly worth having.
Garland’s is widely praised and apparently represents a very competent handling of the text. It is relatively recent (2003) which gives it an advantage in interacting with more recent scholarship. Thiselton says, “It offers reliable and constructive exegesis based on a wide interaction with scholarly literature. It retains an eye to theology and to pastoral application, with clear comments and often apt turns of phrase.”
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Massive commentary by an evangelical NT scholar.
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Garland’s commentary begins by setting the letter in the context of Roman Corinth. This is a brief but very readable introduction to the social / cultural issues lurking in the background of the letters. The format of the commentary follows the pattern of others in the series, Greek is include in the commentary but always transliterated, textual notes are placed the “additional notes.” Garland’s commentary seems more in tune with the Hebrew Bible and other Second Temple Period literature than Greek and Roman sources, providing a helpful correction to other commentaries in this list.
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David Garland's BECNT (2003) is very good. I've looked at it less than I have some of the other volumes here, but it was enough to see that this is now the first place to look for a more readable treatment than Thiselton. Garland is widely respected by scholars across the spectrum. He left a Southern Baptist seminary because of his egalitarian stance, but on most other issues he's fairly conservative. He has ten years of additional scholarship to influence him and to respond to when compared with Fee below. Fee has such a high reputation that it was difficult to put Garland ahead, but I think I'd actually give up Fee if I were forced to choose. Garland's NAC on II Corinthians was very good, and I think this BECNT is even better. He's also done work on Matthew and the NIVAC volumes on Mark and Colossians/Philemon. He's currently contracted to write commentaries on Luke (ZEC) and Thessalonians (NCC).
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Garland’s is a strong work and the best fit for my "firsts" list. Thiselton (NIGTC, 2000) and maybe Fee (NICNT, 1987) would be helpful later.
Asbury Theological Seminary Orlando, FL 32765 David Garland s volume on 1 Corinthians is now one of five treatments of a New Testament text in the relatively new Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (BECNT), a series that seeks to provide, within the framework of informed evangelical thought, commentaries that blend scholarly depth with readability, exegetical detail with sensitivity to the whole, and attention to critical problems with theological awareness (xi). Although the series is expressl y exegetical rather than homiletical per se, the intended readership for the series is pas tors and others involved in the preaching and exposition of the Scriptures (xi). Toward these ends, Garland, Professor of Christian Scriptures at Truett Seminary of Baylor University, has contributed a substantial piece of work worthy of serious engagement not only by those tasked with preaching but by all students of this challenging letter.
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