Psalms 51–150
in Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture
InterVarsity Press
The Psalms have long served a vital role in the individual and corporate lives of Christians, expressing the full range of human emotions, including some that we are ashamed to admit. The Psalms reverberate with joy, groan in pain, whimper with sadness, grumble in disappointment and rage with anger.The church fathers employed the Psalms widely. In liturgy they used them both as hymns and as Scripture readings. Within them they found pointers to Jesus both as Son of God and as Messiah. They also employed the Psalms widely as support for other New Testament teachings, as counsel on morals and as forms for prayer.Especially noteworthy was their use of Psalms in the great doctrinal controversies. The Psalms were used to oppose subordinationism, modalism, Arianism, Apollinarianism, Nestorianism,, Eutychianism and Monophysitism, among others.Readers of these selections, some appearing in English for the first time, will glean from a rich treasury of deep devotion and profound theological reflection.Market/AudiencePastorsReaders of church historySeminary students and professorsSeries Endorsements"For the ongoing ecumenical conversation, and the accurate application of early Christian thought, and the current hermeneutical debate as well, the Ancient Christian Commentary will prove itself to be a really indispensable resource." J. I. PACKER, Board of Governors Professor of Theology, Regent CollegeFeatures and BenefitsMakes accessible early Christian commentary on Psalms 51-150.Covers the period from Clement of Rome (second century) to John of Damascus (mid-eighth century)Illuminates Scripture in the light of classic and consensual Christian faith
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Pre-Modern Commentaries by Matt Quintana
It is no easy task to review two hefty volumes on one of the most popular books in the Bible! The remarks below can hardly do justice to the amount of information contained in the two volumes on the book of Psalms in the (by now) well-known Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (ACCS). I will limit myself to some general remarks on the series, remarks on the two volumes on the Psalter as such, and a concise discussion of the rich content and value of the publications by referring to their treatment of a small sample of psalms. This impressive commentary on the Book of Psalms comprises two volumes (7–8) in the envisaged twenty-nine-volume series on the Bible. ACCS fills an important lacuna in the knowledge of lay people and scholars. It aims at “the revitalization of Christian teaching based on classical Christian exegesis” (xi in the general introduction to both volumes). Generally speaking, patristic literature (the Greek, Latin, and Syrian Fathers) is only accessible to specialists in the field (see xii). Many patristic sources are still available only in the original languages, often in “archaic editions and inadequate translations” (xii). ACCS wants to make these documents available to “a much broader audience than the highly technical and specialized scholarly field of patristic studies” (xii). Two volumes are allotted to the book of Psalms “due to the popularity of the biblical book in early Christian exposition and the amount of extant patristic literature addressing it.
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