Ephesians 1–3
Ephesians 1–3
Ephesians 1–3


in Anchor Yale Bible

by Markus Barth

4.69 Rank Score: 5.49 from 7 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 12 user libraries
Ephesians 1–3
Pages 464
Publisher Yale University Press
Published 1/1/1974
ISBN-13 9780300140712
Ephesians 4–6
Pages 464
Publisher Yale University Press
Published 1/1/1974
ISBN-13 9780300139860


This book appears in the following featured collections.


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AndrewKlein46 AndrewKlein46 April 16, 2024
Phill Phill November 22, 2022
Just so much fun to read. fantastic layout with technical info then verse by verse but also sections on particular topics in each section which really is just the best you can get. Have found other commentaries very shallow in light of this one.
G Ware G Ware March 10, 2021
A 2 volume commentary on Ephesians feels excessive. Barth's work is certainly exhaustive, as sometimes happens in the Anchor Bible series (see Raymond Brown's 800 pager on the Johannine Epistles, or Andersen & Freeman's 900 pager on Amos). That said, Barth's work is absolutely top notch, if you have time to spend, or are doing more in depth, scholarly work in Ephesians. His analysis of 2:8-9 is particularly good, and ahead of its time (pre-Sanders' PPJ, but still noting some of the common misconceptions of early Judaism some interpreters infer from Paul's use of the language of works and justification). His examination of the always controversial haustafel is extensive, and sensitive to the variety of cultural connections of hellenism and jewish expectations. Overall, and very important, and still relevant commentary.
Nijay K. Gupta Nijay K. Gupta August 9, 2019
Barth, son of theologian Karl Barth, offers a helpful continental perspective on the study of Ephesians. His work is richly detailed and he is sensitive to theological matters in the text. [Full Review]
Scot McKnight Scot McKnight August 2, 2009
I like Markus Barth and have ever since college when I spent gobs of time working on Ephesians 4. His was one of the early Anchor Bible commentaries and he managed to find one volume inadequate [Full Review]