Homilies on Titus and Philemon
Homilies on Titus and Philemon

Homilies on Titus and Philemon

in Writings from the Greco-Roman World

by John Chrysostom

Rank Score: 4.1 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Publisher SBL Press
Published 7/26/2024
ISBN-13 9781628374964
In her latest volume on John Chrysostom, Pauline Allen translates into English nine homilies on two of Paul’s letters. Included in this collection are six homilies on Titus that deal with Chrysostom’s attitudes toward episcopal accountability. Three homilies on Philemon shed light on Chrysostom’s views on the treatment of slaves. A thorough introduction that addresses the date, provenance, and content of these homilies makes this volume an essential source for scholars and students interested in the development of the church in the fourth to fifth centuries CE.


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