Genesis 1–11
Langham Global Library
Genesis is the book of beginnings; and creation begins with light. Most religious people live with shuttered windows, receiving light only from their own people and their own tradition. Genesis 1–11 calls us to recognize all peoples as created by God and under the rainbow covenant of his light. This commentary opens windows on seeds of truth from Genesis 1-11 which are planted in the various environments “in front of the text” – including the New Testament, rabbinic tradition, the Qur’an, and Bangladeshi culture. It examines those seeds in their original seedbed, discerning how their truths will unfurl from the fragrant Genesis 1-11 bud of theology through the blessings given to Eve, Noah, and Abraham.
Windows on the Text is a ground-breaking Bible commentary series written by followers of Jesus in Muslim contexts. It develops biblical insight in deliberate conversation with the Qur’an, the Hadith, and local Islamic cultures. Confident that the Bible in its entirety speaks directly into Muslim contexts, it opens new windows into the holy word of God to equip and empower believers to live out their faith in loving service and clear communication within their communities.
Windows on the Text is a ground-breaking Bible commentary series written by followers of Jesus in Muslim contexts. It develops biblical insight in deliberate conversation with the Qur’an, the Hadith, and local Islamic cultures. Confident that the Bible in its entirety speaks directly into Muslim contexts, it opens new windows into the holy word of God to equip and empower believers to live out their faith in loving service and clear communication within their communities.
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Commentaries by Female Scholars by John Dyer
- Non-Western and BIPOC Commentaries by Matt Quintana
[Conclusion to my longer review]
This is not a full critical commentary on Genesis 1-11 – I think the authors lean heavily on Wenham’s work in his Word Biblical Commentary [WBC] on the same textual selection – but there are various critical engagements, within the space constraints. This puts the reading level perhaps a little higher than a Tyndale Commentary, but more accessible by far than the aforementioned Baker Exegetical, or WBC commentaries. I think that this makes it a useful purchase for those interested in thinking about Genesis, particularly those in pastoral or other forms of ministry in Muslim-majority contexts or working with those with Islamic backgrounds. I am excited about the potential for this series to bring biblical studies into conversation with the Qur’an in a winsome evangelical way; to have the opportunity to re-read familiar texts through other peoples’ eyes, and increase the ability of Western pastors and scholars to see how other parts of the world and the church engage with texts and ideas. As this is the first volume of a new series, I hope that the niggles I had (like formatting up to 12:3 at the smaller end, and the lack of inclusion of a biblical index at the much larger end) can be ironed out and that this can be a truly global commentary, a gift to the wider church.
[Full Review]