Commentary on Saint John, Volume 1: Homilies 1–47
Commentary on Saint John, Volume 1: Homilies 1–47
Commentary on Saint John, Volume 1: Homilies 1–47

Commentary on Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist

in Fathers of the Church

by John Chrysostom

Rank Score: 4.14 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Commentary on Saint John, Volume 1: Homilies 1–47
Pages 485
Publisher Catholic University of America Press
Published 1/1/1957
ISBN-13 9780813210254
Commentary on Saint John, Volume 2: Homilies 48–88
Pages 495
Publisher Catholic University of America Press
Published 1/1/1959
ISBN-13 9780813210247
The Homilies on St. John's Gospel come from the period in which Chrysostom attained his greatest fame as pulpit orator, the years of his simple priesthood at Antioch (386-397). This was the peaceful period in Chrysostom's life that preceded his elevation to the episcopacy as patriarch of Constantinople (398), wherein adverse imperial and ecclesiastical reaction to his program of moral reform led to his deposition, banishment, and all by martyr's death (407).

The 88 Homilies, which date from about 390, work systematically through the text of St. John's Gospel and thus form a commentary upon it. In his exposition Chrysostom reflects his youthful Antiochene training in the interpretation of Holy Scripture through his emphasis upon the literal or historical meaning of the sacred text. The exposition focuses sharply on practical morality and thus often supplies telling information about fourth-century life and times. The homilies show the flowering of Chrysostom's intensive study of rhetoric and are especially commendable for their command of imagery.


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