Commentary on the Seven Catholic Epistles
Commentary on the Seven Catholic Epistles

Commentary on the Seven Catholic Epistles

in Cistercian Studies Series

by Bede the Venerable

Rank Score: 4.1 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 284
Publisher Liturgical Press
Published 11/1/1985
ISBN-13 9780879079826
Best known in the Middle Ages as a scriptural exegete, Bede here provides a running gloss on the Letters of James, Peter, John, and Jude. Why he chose these `lesser letters' for his first attempt at written exegesis no one knows; perhaps he did so because so few other scriptural commentators had glossed them. They are unique in that he inclined more to the literal interpretation of the text than he did in his more allegorical later commentaries. Preachers will find them useful; readers will find them illuminating.


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