Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament

Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament

by eds. Beale, G. K.; Carson, D. A.; Gladd, Benjamin L.; Naselli, Andrew David

Rank Score: 4.04 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 1108
Publisher Baker Academic
Published 11/14/2023
ISBN-13 9781540960047
With the torrent of publications on the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, the time is ripe for a dictionary dedicated to this incredibly rich yet diverse field. This companion volume to the well-received Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (CNTUOT) brings together leading evangelical biblical scholars to explore and explain the many facets of how the New Testament writers appropriated the Old Testament.

This definitive resource covers a range of interpretive topics and includes summary articles on each biblical book and numerous themes. It also unpacks concepts mentioned in the CNTUOT, demonstrates how the Old Testament uses the Old Testament, and addresses a wide range of biblical-theological, hermeneutical, and exegetical topics.

This handy reference book is for all serious students of the Bible as they study how and why Old Testament texts reappear and are reappropriated throughout the Bible.


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