Non-Western or BIPOC


in New Cambridge Bible Commentary

by Michael F. Bird and Nijay K. Gupta

4 Rank Score: 4.22 from 1 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 214
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Published 6/25/2020
ISBN-13 9781108462914
In this commentary, Michael Bird and Nijay Gupta situate Paul's letter to the Philippians within the context of his imprisonment as well as the Philippians' situation of suffering and persecution. Paul draws the Philippians' attention to the power and progress of the gospel in spite of difficult circumstances. He also warns them about the dangers of rival Christian groups who preach out of poor motives or have a truncated gospel. Bird and Gupta unpack the rich wisdom and theology of the Christ Hymn (2:6-11). Throughout the commentary, they apply a broad range of exegetical tools to interpret this letter including historical, sociological, rhetorical, and literary analysis, and they give attention to the reception of this important Pauline text throughout history. Bird and Gupta also includes short reflections on the meaning of Philippians for today.


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ThomasCreedy ThomasCreedy October 30, 2023
Overall, then, this is a helpful commentary on Philippians, with it's shortcomings coming from a slightly unclear series readership, and some stranger editorial choices. It left me wanting to dig deeper into the context and questions that Bird and Gupta examine, as well as wanting to think through how the epistleĀ applies to my local church, and other situations. Paired with perhaps a longer, technical commentary (like Hansen's Pillar or Fee's NICNT) and another shorter commentary (such as Brown's new TNTC, or Motyer's classic BST) this NCBC volume is a useful tool for the pastor thinking about Philippians in wider context, of both Scripture and Paul's life and work. [Full Review]