

in Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary

by Matthew S. Harmon

4.75 Rank Score: 4.97 from 4 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Pages 656
Publisher Lexham Press
Published 12/15/2021
ISBN-13 9781683595632
Galatians reveals how Christ changes everything.

Matthew S. Harmon traces the argument of Paul’s most polemic letter. In Galatians, Paul defends his authority and attacks his opponents’ arguments—and in both cases, the decisive factor is the Gospel. History and Scripture must be interpreted in light of Christ’s arrival. The new creation has broken in, leaving nothing unaltered. Harmon plumbs Galatians’ theological depth, including its view of sin and exile, apocalyptic antitheses, the Trinity, Isaiah’s servant figure, the law, righteousness, and faith(fulness).


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This commentary traces the argument of Paul’s most polemic letter with detail and rigor. Harmon plumbs Galatians’ theological depth, showing Paul’s defense of how history and Scripture must be interpreted in light of Christ’s arrival. Readers searching for assistance on Greek formulations, historical matters, the structure of Paul’s argumentation, exegetical details, and theological emphases will find it all in this volume. [Full Review]
ThomasCreedy ThomasCreedy September 18, 2023
Matthew S. Harmon’s contribution to the Evangelical Biblical Theological Commentary’ from Lexham Academic – a gem of a devotional read from my perspective. It was my first full read of an EBTC – I loved the commentary proper. Bib/Theo themes excellent work but could’ve been more integrated. This is a great commentary for preachers in my opinion, but also doing other interesting work.
Zach Olson Zach Olson January 3, 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed this commentary on Galatians. Harmon really brings the motifs found in Isaiah out in his commentary throughout. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to study Galatians. He even has a themes section in the book to trace how they unfold in Paul's argument.
Zach Olson Zach Olson January 3, 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed this commentary on Galatians. Harmon really brings the motifs found in Isaiah out in his commentary throughout. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to study Galatians. He even has a themes section in the book to trace how they unfold in Paul's argument.