

in Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary

by David G. Firth

4.93 Rank Score: 5.43 from 3 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 5 user libraries
Pages 472
Publisher Lexham Press
Published 1/13/2021
ISBN-13 9781683594406
Joshua is not merely a story of conquest but also a treasure trove of theology.

David G. Firth interprets the book of Joshua with a sensitivity to its place as Christian Scripture. Joshua is marginalized in many churches, often because its message is misunderstood. Firth reveals that, rather than simply being a story of conquest, Joshua is concerned with matters of identity and faithfulness. Joshua exhorts God’s people to live out their calling in light of God’s promises. While Israelites like Achan fall short, others—often gentiles—show surprising faith in God. Firth also probes the book’s theological themes, such as the promised land, government, rest, and promise. The book of Joshua boldly challenges the complacent in faith to be a nation committed to God.


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ThomasCreedy ThomasCreedy March 20, 2023
Overall, I think this is a successful commentary in that it faithfully engages the text, conforms beautifully to it’s series style, and is rich with application and inspiration/encouragement for the Christian reader of Scripture. It’s difficult to get across, though, just how unusual for a commentary this is – I read and work on lots, [Full Review]
Firth has set a high bar in this volume, and if the rest of the series is like this then sign me up now for the box set. (I might even make an exception to my space-saving digital-first book-buying policy because the hardcopy I reviewed is beautifully designed and produced). The exegesis is informed by Firth’s high view of scripture but also by his engagement in current scholarship. The way he deals with the ‘sun standing still’ in Joshua 10, for instance, illustrates the payoffs for such a sophisticated evangelical approach: yes God could have made the sun stop in the sky, but that’s not actually what Joshua is asking for when he quotes this poem to God requesting help in battle. [Full Review]
This new commentary showcases Firth’s deep familiarity with Joshua and his clear communication style. Firth focuses on the text’s literary shape, theological meaning, and canonical connections, providing a wonderful resource for the church and its preachers. [Full Review]