Gospel in Paul: Studies on Corinthians, Galatians and Romans for Richard N. Longenecker
in Library of New Testament Studies
T&T Clark
This Festschrift in honour of Richard N. Longenecker (author of Paul, Apostle of Liberty, The Christology of Early Jewish Christianity, The Ministry and Message of Paul, Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period, 'The Acts of the Apostles' in The Expositor's Bible Commentary, New Testament Social Ethics for Today, and Galatians, Word Biblical Commentary) is centered on the theme of 'gospel' in Paul. Notable Pauline scholars discuss 'gospel' from five different perspectives: the historical, the theological, the hermeneutical, the rhetorical and the epistolary; each author discusses one of these five perspectives within one part of Paul's correspondence: (1) Gospel in Romans (2) Gospel in Galatians and (3) Gospel in the Corinthian letters. The volume promotes discussion both on methods of reading Paul's letters and on important historical, theological and hermenutical issues.
- Table of contents
- Open letter to Professor Richard N. Longenecker
- Richard N. Longenecker : cursus vitae
- Bibliography of Richard N. Longenecker
- God's obedient Messiah and the end of the law : Richard N. Longenecker's understanding of Paul's gospel - L. Ann Jervis
- Good news and the integrity of 1 Corinthians - John C. Hurd
- Rhetorical shorthand in Pauline argumentation : the functions of "the gospel" in the Corinthian correspondence - Margaret M. Mitchell
- Temples, altars and living from the gospel (1 Cor. 9.12b-18) - Peter Richardson
- "Another gospel which you did not embrace" : 2 Corinthians 11.4 and the theology of 1 and 2 Corinthians - Gordon D. Fee
- Gospel and kerygma in 2 Corinthians - Linda L. Belleville
- "The gospel that I proclaim among the Gentiles" (Gal. 2.2) : universalistic or Israel-centred? - Terence L. Donaldson
- A paradigm of the apocalypse : the gospel in the light of epistolary analysis - G. Walter Hansen
- The gospel and its rhetoric in Galatians - Frank W. Hughes
- Gospel and theology in Galatians - N.T. Wright
- Gospel and commensality : social and theological implications of Galatians 2.14 - Robert Jewett
- "For I am not ashamed of the gospel (Rom. 1.16) : the gospel and the first readers of Romans - Steve Mason
- The gospel in Romans : a theology of revelation - Klyne Snodgrass
- Determining the gospel through rhetorical analysis in Paul's letter to the Roman Christians - Douglas A. Campbell
- Preaching the gospel in Rome : a study of the epistolary framework of Romans - Jeffrey A.D. Weima
- How new was Paul's gospel? : the problem of continuity and discontinuity - James D.G. Dunn
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- God's obedient Messiah and the end of the law: Richard N. Longenecker's understanding of Paul's gospel by L. Ann Jervis
- Good news and the integrity of 1 Corinthians by John C. Hurd
- Rhetorical shorthand in Pauline argumentation : the functions of "the gospel" in the Corinthian correspondence by Margaret M. Mitchell
- Temples, altars and living from the gospel (1 Cor. 9.12b-18) by Peter Richardson
- "Another gospel which you did not embrace" : 2 Corinthians 11.4 and the theology of 1 and 2 Corinthians by Gordon D. Fee
- Gospel and kerygma in 2 Corinthians by Linda L. Belleville
- "The gospel that I proclaim among the Gentiles" (Gal. 2.2) : universalistic or Israel-centred? by Terence L. Donaldson
- A paradigm of the apocalypse : the gospel in the light of epistolary analysis by G. Walter Hansen
- The gospel and its rhetoric in Galatians by Frank W. Hughes
- Gospel and theology in Galatians by N. T. Wright
- Gospel and commensality : social and theological implications of Galatians 2.14 by Robert Jewett
- "For I am not ashamed of the gospel (Rom. 1.16) : the gospel and the first readers of Romans by Steve Mason
- The gospel in Romans : a theology of revelation by Klyne Snodgrass
- Determining the gospel through rhetorical analysis in Paul's letter to the Roman Christians by Douglas A. Campbell
- Preaching the gospel in Rome : a study of the epistolary framework of Romans by Jeffrey A. D. Weima
- How new was Paul's gospel? : the problem of continuity and discontinuity by James D. G. Dunn