In the Shelter of Elyon: Essays on Ancient Palestinian Life and Literature
in Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies
T&T Clark
This magnificent collection of articles on OT literature, history, religion and culture comprises the following studies:
- 'The Uppsala School' of Biblical Studies - A. L. Merrill; J. R. Spencer
- G.W. Ahlström in Profile - W. Boyd Barrick
- G.W. Ahlström: A Bibliography - B. Glazier-McDonald
- Parentheses in a Snowstorm: G.W. Ahlström and the Study of Ancient Palestine - W. Boyd Barrick; J. R. Spencer
- Psalm 81.6a: Observations on Translation and Meaning of One Hebrew Line - P. A. H. de Boer
- The Role of Elihu in the Design of the Book of Job - N. C. Habel
- The Redactional History of Isaiah 5.1-10.4 - C. E. L'Heureux
- The Semantic Parallelism of Psalm 89 - D. Pardee
- Joshua 24 and the Problem of Tradition in the Old Testament - J. Van Seters
- The Shining of Moses' Face: A Case in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Iconography - M. Haran
- The Prophets and the Covenant - A. S. Kapelrud
- The Prophet Elijah's Visit to Zarephath - M. Ottosson
- Heavenly Visions in Early Judaism: Origin and Function - B. Otzen
- Eve and the Chameleon - A. W. Sjöberg
- Yahweh's Gathering of the Dispersed - G. Widengren
- The Biblical Interpretation of the Reigns of Ahaz and Hezekia - P. R. Ackroyd
- King David's State - S. Herrmann
- A Reconstruction of the Social Welfare Systems of Ancient Israel - S. A. Kaufman
- Thoughts on the Use of Charisma in Old Testament Studies - T. W. Overholt
- The Biographic Mode in Hebrew Historiography - J. M. Sasson
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- 'The Uppsala School' of Biblical Studies by A. L. Merrill and John R. Spencer
- G.W. Ahlström in Profile by W. Boyd Barrick
- G.W. Ahlström: A Bibliography by B. Glazier-McDonald
- Parentheses in a Snowstorm: G.W. Ahlström and the Study of Ancient Palestine by W. Boyd Barrick and John R. Spencer
- Psalm 81.6a: Observations on Translation and Meaning of One Hebrew Line by P. A. H. de Boer
- The Role of Elihu in the Design of the Book of Job by Norman C. Habel
- The Redactional History of Isaiah 5.1-10.4 by C. E. L'Heureux
- The Semantic Parallelism of Psalm 89 by D. Pardee
- Joshua 24 and the Problem of Tradition in the Old Testament by J. Van Seters
- The Shining of Moses' Face: A Case in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Iconography by Menahem Haran
- The Prophets and the Covenant by A. S. Kapelrud
- The Prophet Elijah's Visit to Zarephath by M. Ottosson
- Heavenly Visions in Early Judaism: Origin and Function by B. Otzen
- Eve and the Chameleon by A. W. Sjöberg
- Yahweh's Gathering of the Dispersed by G. Widengren
- The Biblical Interpretation of the Reigns of Ahaz and Hezekia by Peter R. Ackroyd
- King David's State by S. Herrmann
- A Reconstruction of the Social Welfare Systems of Ancient Israel by S. A. Kaufman
- Thoughts on the Use of Charisma in Old Testament Studies by Thomas W. Overholt
- The Biographic Mode in Hebrew Historiography by Jack M. Sasson