The Letter to the Colossians
The Letter to the Colossians

The Letter to the Colossians

in New International Commentary on the New Testament

by Scot McKnight

5 Rank Score: 5.5 from 3 reviews, 2 featured collections, and 8 user libraries
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 2/26/2018
ISBN-13 9780802867988
In the letter to the Colossians, Paul offers a compelling vision of the Christian life; his claims transcend religion and bring politics, culture, spirituality, power, ethnicity, and more into play. This exegetical and theological commentary by Scot McKnight delves deeply into Paul's message in Colossians and draws out the theology that underpins it.

McKnight interacts closely with the text of Colossians itself while bringing the best of biblical scholarship to the table. He focuses on reading Colossians in the context of Paul's other letters, his theology, and his mission to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. Crafted specifically for preachers and teachers, this engaging and accessible commentary offers fresh light on Colossians.


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Nijay K. Gupta Nijay K. Gupta September 13, 2019
McKnight has a masterful way of both analyzing the text carefully, as well as drawing out theological ideas that aims to shape the church today. [Full Review]
Philip du Toit Philip du Toit October 10, 2018
McKnight is a very fine exegete. He probably has one of the best up-to-date discussions on the authenticity of the letter. Excellent commentary in all respects.
G Ware G Ware August 30, 2018
An up to date commentary, written for the church/pastor to engage with on both the theological and ethical/practical level. McKnight defends Pauline authorship, though not dogmatically. Exegesis is both engaged with technical elements, but also designed to provide good teaching material for pastors.