From Eden to the New Jerusalem: An Introduction to Biblical Theology
From Eden to the New Jerusalem: An Introduction to Biblical Theology

From Eden to the New Jerusalem: An Introduction to Biblical Theology

by T. Desmond Alexander

4.67 Rank Score: 4.75 from 3 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 308
Publisher Kregel Academic
Published 1/1/2009
ISBN-13 9780825420153
Personal stories aren't enough to offer individuals peace when they question their own existence. But the Bible's story comes not from humanity, but from God. Author, T. Desmond Alexander, suggests that God has given us the reasons for creation and our existence in the Bible. ”by resolving an intricate plot that sheds light on the entire story,“ Alexander writes. Using this theory to start from the denouement, or resolution, in Revelation's last verses and work backward, Alexander pieces together the Bible's overarching plot. The resulting picture reveals the reasons for creation and life that have eluded those who seek to answer life's biggest questions without first placing themselves in God's story.


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BRathbun BRathbun February 22, 2024
A good place to begin one's journey into Biblical Theology, though I thought his Promised Land book was much more formative to my own journey.
Caleb Lawson Caleb Lawson April 23, 2020
If there was one book to read or give someone on Biblical Theology it would probably be this one. An excellent introduction to some of the major themes of the Biblical narrative. The chapter on the temple and tabernacle alone is worth the purchase. Essentially, as the title suggests, Alexander uses Gen. 1-3 and Rev. 20-22 as a grid to frame the greater Biblical metanarrative and it is a joy to behold the beauty of Scripture revealed before your eyes. Excellent book!
Warren Truesdale Warren Truesdale September 15, 2017
If you purchase one book on Biblical Theology, this is the one. I’ll go so far as to say that the next book you purchase that has anything do with the Bible should be this one. It’s that good. T. Desmond Alexander is great scholar and an excellent author and his book From Eden to the New Jerusalem will absolutely transform how you see and read the Bible. Essentially, Alexander traces several themes throughout the Biblical Narrative, drawing these themes from Revelation 21-22... [Full Review]