

in Brill Septuagint Commentary Series

by Georg A. Walser

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 508
Publisher Brill
Published 3/2/2012
ISBN-13 9789004223868
This commentary on Greek Jeremiah is based on what is most certainly the best complete manuscript, namely Codex Vaticanus. The original text is presented uncorrected and the paragraphs of the manuscript itself are utilized. The translation into English on facing pages is deliberately literal so as to give the modern reader a hint of the impression the Greek translation could have made on an ancient reader. The purpose of the commentary is to provide a discussion of the Greek text of Jeremiah in its own right. Hence references to the Vorlage are only made to explain peculiarities in the Greek text.


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