

in Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

by Jay A. Sklar

5 Rank Score: 5.54 from 6 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 8 user libraries
Pages 336
Publisher Inter-Varsity Press
Published 11/15/2013
ISBN-13 9781844749270
These commentaries are designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting and purpose. Following a structural Analysis, the Commentary takes the book section by section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide fuller discussion of particular difficulties. In the new Old Testament volumes, the commentary on each section of the text is structured under three headings: Context, Comment and Meaning. Levitical rules and regulations can at first appear irrelevant to contemporary Christians - but they provide important Old Testament background for understanding large portions of the New Testament. Leviticus describes a point in human history when God came and dwelt in the midst of the ancient Israelites and taught them what their purpose in life really was. Jay Sklar's commentary makes clear what it is that the Lord said to them and, in so doing, makes clear what he says to us today.


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A fantastic entry-level work for Bible readers, teachers, and students. Sklar introduces us to the world of ancient Israel’s laws and rituals with clarity, helping church members see how the law leads to Christ [Full Review]
ThomasCreedy ThomasCreedy January 22, 2024
A very good commentary on Leviticus from Jay Sklaar. Nails, in my view, the TOTC pitch, and does some good biblical-theological and ethical explanation. Ideal for the average preacher, and has made me want to see his longer ZECOT!
Courtney Courtney December 3, 2023
In this commentary, Sklar, a gifted teacher and brilliant scholar, is able to explain difficult passages and concepts in a way that will help anyone—pastor, Bible teacher, lay leader, and fellow scholar—better understand the Scriptures. More importantly, Sklar's love of God is evident and his readers will see the triune God exalted at every turn.
Silas Silas April 25, 2021
Very useful and practical commentary. I'm surprised how much detail he managed discuss on only 330 pages. Some may look for a more extensive work that even goes deeper into the discussions and problems, but if not, this is a great commentary.
joseeliascarlo joseeliascarlo September 3, 2019
Once in awhile, I find a commentary that is so good, I read it cover to cover. Such is the case with this Leviticus commentary. Sklar writes clearly and with an obvious love for God's Word. He explained many passages I had questions about, and he presented the Mosaic law's purpose in such a way as to proclaim God's love for people throughout. I doubt there's a better commentary on Leviticus anywhere.
Matt K Matt K December 27, 2017
This is an excellent commentary on Leviticus. Sklar is great at explaining some of the more difficult concepts in Leviticus.